Sales on eBay continue to drop EVEN MORE than eBay wants to tell their
investors. The first SALES DROP was when eBay took over the paying
system verses PayPal handling it. Second, SALES DROP was the requirement
to collect of State Sale Taxes, where e...
Your sales are dropping because eBay is managing your payments
ineffectively as well as charging Buyers local state sales taxes on
everything. Consumers have learned they can buy items you are selling
cheaper from out of state retailers who not requi...
Yes, I have had my sales proceeds confiscated by eBay as well because I
did not release my social security number. They claim my state requires
it because I sold more than $1000 this year on eBay, but they have not
provided the law or statue that bac...
The same issue of holding my sales money happened to me in November.
First eBay told me that they need my SS# because may State requires I
submit a 1099-K if I sell over $1000 in the year. I called my State’s
Division of Taxation and they could find ...
Any normal item that is not in high demand will not sell well on eBay
these days, especially items over $100. Covid-19 is keeping many people
without extra cash to spend on items even when shopping malls are
closed. In addition, charging local State ...