Hello! Can any one of the Top Rated Sellers be kind and post an image of
any Priority Mail label with Commercial Plus pricing they have printed
directly through eBay recently? Thanks, baypari
Hi cobra_viper, Yes, I just got notified by ebay of a USPS APV
adjustment for a shipping label that their tracking shows was used last
week but was voided and refunded back in December 2023. Opened a dispute
with them yesterday. Waiting for their res...
Thanks a lot, berserkerplanet! If your shipping label is truly from a
TRS account, then it appears that the eBay Commercial Plus postage is
way higher compared to Stamps.com, Endicia and Pitney Bowes. Kind
regards, baypari
Hi green-night, Thanks for your reply. I wanted to scan the squarish PC
Postage barcode on the top right hand side of the shipping label to
learn exactly how much of a postage discount eBay is receving with its
special NSA pricing arrangement with US...