these increases have zero to do with eBay enhancing seller tools and
everything to do with naked greed. The AI description tool is so
patently a nonsensical word salad of fluffy generalizations that buyers
immediately recognize the person who listed ...
Contrary to what a lot of new sellers might suspect - none of those
keywords ( vinyl, album, LP, record.) should be used. What sellers, no
matter what the category, don't understand, is that keywords in general,
under eBay's listing SEO, should seldo...
to be frank, and you won't want to hear this, but VG is as marginal a
grade as any reputable seller is going to put up on eBay. "VG" is a
record that has a lot of scuffs and hairlines and may even have
scratches. I don't know what you were expecting ...
no disrespect intended, but you have under 100 transactions on the
platform. Now might be the time to continue to gain insight and not
offer advice. Just sayin'
I had exactly the same experience. The 500 free listings offer did NOT
appear until a few days ago and now the tracker for it shows I've used
344 of the 500 and none from the regular 250 / month allotment. I have a
collection of screenshots showing t...