When I search for key words in quotations, after plus signs, or with
advanced search, I still have search results that don't include my
search. How do I do an accurate search? It worked in the 80s. What
I couldn't accept offers, because the links took me to view item instead
of the offers page, so I tried a different phone. When I pressed my
messages link, it wouldn't even let me see my messages. It took me to
the home page.
Every time I press the link for an offer I received a few minutes ago,
it takes me to "view item" without any link to accept offer. It says no
offers had been made, but in my messages it shows several new offers.
How do I cancel a return request? EBay has no way to look this up. Their
website keeps getting worse. I'm so upset about their search engine not
working, and now I can't even hit "other," when their choices of common
problems don't match mine. Ugh.