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Community Activity

Deposit on custom items

I get a lot of request for custom items that I make. We agree on price and how to make it.After I make it buyer says can I get a better price, or You know I really do not need it after all. This has happend to me 2 times this week alone. Ebay policy ...

The all new 100% upgraded Park Cooking Thread

Since the soapbox is coming to an end soon, my friends on our cooking thread that sin started asked that I start a new one over here. So here I am!Everyone feel free to join in and post your favorite recipes or questions or even stuff in daily life!I...

Should i ship a $1000 item to a weird adress?

Someone purchased from me a $1000 + item . I checked the adress and its the postal service building from a city in Michigan. No po box just a "unit #485"Is that correct? How can they have a unit inside the postal service building. I asked the buyer a...

Resolved! Choose One & Pass It On.....again

Well, once again someone at Ebay decided that the old game HAD to be closed because it was an old post...so let's try to start this thing again.Same rules as the old game Chicken or Fish?


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