So, yesterday morning, I found that EBay had switched all my listings,
1100 plus, tofree shipping?Right now, a $70 losswhen will they get a
clue and fix it?
I have always refunded any extra shipping charges to the buyer through
Paypal, but buyers don't buy through PP now.....This has Nothing to do
with defects and should not be considered a demerit by Ebay.Can anyone
answer this?
No, you don't see it now, because I had to figure out how to bulk change
from Free shipping to paid by buyer Parcel shipping!Although now, I have
to go through all my items and individually change the shipping for the
items that used to be 1st class....
I think I found it....Go to Sellers Hub, Go to Orders, Pull up the order
getting the refund,Go to Print Shipping label & drop down to Refund. I
haven't gone all the way through the process, as I am still Waiting for
EBAY to Pay me My MONEY..... Good ...