I sold two items to a buyer, put both in one box and shipped them thro
International Shipping. The package did not arrive and eBay refunded the
buyer for one of the items and not for the other. How can I fix this?
I sent two items in the same box to a buyer thro ebay International and
they went missing. eBay refunded the buyer on one of the items and not
the other. How do I help the buyer get a refund on the second item?
Thank you
I have sent several items to China this summer and none of them have
arrived. How do I get eBay to be more active about getting info to the
buyers or, even better, getting their items to them?
Thank you. It was two separate items in one box. eBay reimbursed for
one, but since the other one doesn't have its own tracking number, we
can't really file a lost claim. Reading the fine print on the new
international program, I see that separate it...
It seems deceptive to me that international packages go thru eBay and
appear to have tracking info. I haven't sold things for some years and
when I used to sell, I knew that once it left this country, there was no
tracking unless you used Priority In...