FeeBay, feeBay, FeeBay. This is how it's going to be: as a seller for
over 20 years on eBay, we've cut back out listings from 2000 to 250.
Can't recommend it to friends or family any more. It's not run by
marketers but by accountants now.
We are. Why risk and bad feedback. This is just another example of how
eBay has become increasingly tone deaf to the burdens they keep dumping
on sellers. It's driving them away to other sites.
Yes, starting to look for other forums w/fewer and less layered fee
structures and much more seller friendly for the items no longer listing
on eBay due to their changes. The ending of their monthly statement and
invoicing system along w/billing sell...
No. eBay deducts any relisting fees immediately from any pending
'payout' you may have from a sale and have ended their monthly invoicing
system. they've essentially taken you, the seller, out of the cashflow
loop. It's not a good system and given th...
Marketing is not their forte. That was my profession for 45 years. eBay
is run by accounts now- any experienced marketer can spot it a mile off.
For example: their new policy of immediately "deducting money from
profits"... sellers, the 'product prov...