This was a Monday morning surprise for me. While working in my Ebay page
my computer went zonkie and when it came back I no longer had my decades
old "all selling" page to view. All I have are crumbs of pages that once
were useful. The only page I ca...
I agree with you. I always seem forced to use tracking as Ebay wants to
micro manage MY business, by telling me how to sell, and ship items, I
have a lot (thousands) of smaller $10.00 and less items that I can not
put on Ebay as they force me to have...
You sound like a hate filled Democrat. I have had NO PROBLEMS with the
Post Office. No packages, lost delayed or damaged throughout the
DEMONrat made up USPS 'election mail problem'. Just another witch hunt
against President Trump.
By the way UPS is the WORST. I have not used them in over 15 years now
as they break, damage, run fork lifts through and run over items, and
then tell me it was insufficient packaging. I use USPS and Fedex
exclusively and have had very few problems.