The seller probably doesn't ship to your country but somehow you were
able to purchase it anyway. Unless the seller is willing to ship to you
and send you an invoice with the shipping amount, you can't check out.
All you can do is request a total fro...
You obviously are dealing with a new seller who does not have his Paypal
account set up properly. Funds that are unclaimed are refunded after 30
days, so they are going to be returned to you in a short time anyway.
You can go ahead and cancel the tra...
Most buyers who want to return items do so promptly so that they can get
their refund. If you buyer hasn't let you know that the item is on it's
way back to you or provided tracking, perhaps they decided to keep it.
"No news is good news" and "let sl...
You question is unclear. You mother purchased something using your eBay
account. She added her card to your Paypal account to make payment. She
didn't change the billing address where...Paypal or eBay? It shouldn't
matter, if Paypal accepted the cred...