I want to sell a wood plane tool made from Lie-Nielsen USA. I have good
the parts apart and still can’t find he number. It is in pretty good
condition so it can’t really be rusted off. Do you have any idea where I
might need to look or if there is on...
If I send an offer to the buyer, the listing doesn’t allow me to change
the package weight or detentions. If they pay and buy it, can I change
it when buying the label or will it still be locked?
So eBay said that my package arrived but I go and check my locked mail
box just to find out it wasn’t delivered. It was just a card so it would
be in the mail box. How do I get my card or my money?
I need help! I put in the wrong package detentions on my auctions
package. It has bids so I can’t change this now. Does anyone know if I
can change it when making the shipping label?
What is your preferred ad-rate. Does the cost of the item determine your
ad-rate. I am starting to do promoted listings on certain items and want
to know what you guys do to determine your ad-rate.