Hello,I'm creating several listings that will necessitate changing
shipping policies. However, the shipping policy drop down menu is not
working; required shipping policies are listen in my shipping
preferences. However my ability change them isn't. ...
Hello,Today I was dismayed to find that the search description icon was
no longer available. As a collector of small press books and
publications this is devastating. Most book listings do not mention the
publisher hence my need for the "search descr...
Hello,I tried to send an invoice for a single item to a buyer today and
could not do so. In the category "Adjustments (optional) red letter
message tells me it needs to be greater than zero. If Adjustments are
optional, why should this prevent me fro...
Hello,Is there a path to return to the prior listing format? I'm finding
this new format not friendly for specialized material such as stamps and
postal history.Kind regards,whofears2012
Hello,I began listing items today, but I'm being charged an insertion
fee even though I still have ~30 free insertions available to me.Is
there a valid reason for this?Thank you and kind regards,whofears2012