Screw the **bleep** "naughty list," unless you are a seller with a rep.
Just make a new account if you need to, unless you want to eat that
buck-thirty, which I can 100% guarantee will happen if you "keep
reaching out" to eBay's "help" options.
Not sure what the deal with FedEx is, but for USPS you are not on the
hook for receiving anything you didn't order. It would be a scam if you
got a package that then had a bunch of addressed packages, which no
matter what courier (IANAL) I can't imag...
I'd actually forgotten that you didn't pay immediately with an offer, I
think this makes sense, because it should be like a Buy It Now sort of
thing, you want the item, but at a different price, and here's the
money. If i'm the seller, and I have thi...
I think I can still sort Amazon by lowest price, but they ignore what
you typed, and won't let you search for only cell phones, say, and not
accessories, or if they do, they lump it all in anyway, and they choke
you with pages of 5 dollar cases. And ...
The eBay search algorithm is following in Amazon's crappy footsteps by
being only vaguely related to what you typed in. It's a little better in
that you can still use -foo to weed out stuff that's absolutely not what
you wanted, like for instance I w...