He HAS done a great job. Here’s a some lyrics from a 33 year old
song…….. And now, a word from the president**bleep** it feels good to be
a gangstaGettin' voted into the White HouseEverything lookin' good to
the people of the worldBut the mafia famil...
Louis DEIchimp is destroying the USPS while every shipping company from
UPS to FedEx and retail company from Amazon to Walmart improve their
delivery operations. He’s just a good old tool from a bygone era of
letting the &**& shipments
My ‘gosh darn thing’ is the legacy of worthless overpaid criminally
incompetent corporate looter inbred idiot executives and board of
directors that “manage” eBay and have created a legacy of seller
predation and the worsening of an already inferior ...