ya i cant imagine replying like he did to buyers that i would have to
say is out of line. my issue is more emails. i get some very rude mails
along the lines" that item is garbage, il give you (50+%) less then what
you are asking". or other things cr...
the seller is kinda right. at this point i am in the same mood as him
when dealing with customers. i have had nothing but negative experiences
these last 2 months and am on the verge of rage quitting due to
customers incompetence as well as ebays.
was hoping for a fall RUSH but it turned out a Bust so far. 1/4 of the
country is under emergency, and lots of people donating or aiding. on
top of everything else it appears people are changing spending habits. i
still get a few mails asking for 30-...
pay per clicks is the biggest waste of money i have ever seen on ebay as
a offer to help. i wasted about 100$ without a single sale until i
realized how stupid i was. just put everything at a flat 2% promotion. i
suppose for some the pay per click ma...
ya i get that... i was just using my example as iv never had a return
where my package provided wasnt used so i cant relate... his point is
useless to me but i was just saying buyers seem to find a way to abuse
the system anyways.