Call eBay. This is a rare scenario. (though most international buyers
who have not apprised themselves of their country's customs policy will
state they've never heard of customs fees & taxes before)This isn't
something that every seller has dealt wi...
In their efforts to "simplify" their website and informational pages,
looks like they've eliminated those resources in favor of their shipping
calculator. (zero charts that I could locate in a quick search)Here is
their calc:
@buyselljack2016 Is absolutely correct. If you're on Windows you can
also go into settings and display.If it is, in fact, a mobile device,
you can usually just pinch and reverse pinch the screen to zoom in or
out, but there are also settings solution...
Didn't scan past page 1 of this thread, but just in case no one has
mentioned it. eBay has advised to report -all- drop shipping (freight
forwarding) as a buyer report and through the listing.I have not done
so, yet, as we mostly have acceptable tran...
Your experience is not unique. We were denied at first for not double
boxing. On appeal they approved, but because their online system doesn't
work with eBay shipped items (we sellers are technically a third party
and eBay won't submit damage claims ...