Even the 'giant online retailers' Packages are delayed. I speak from
personal experience. Perhaps you meant to word your post differently.
Once the package leaves our care, custody, control, we are at the mercy
of the Carrier. I do ship USPS, when I ...
Overall, minimal to -0- problems, + staff is great @ USPS. Fact is the
consumer does not like to pay for shipping, in the perfect world, it
would be "FREE", in my world I am not absorbing the cost. USPS provides
at this time the most competitive pric...
I'm glad my mom can't see what has happened to her beautiful Union
Square......I used to take her there every year after Thanksgiving, (not
too many years ago) we would spend a couple of nights, she would shop,
it was magical with her & for her as sh...
Our pastures can sure use the rain, horses have not been turned out,
yesterday with 50 mph winds and heavy rain, so they stayed in the barn
in their pj's. Today should be a little break!