i cant revise now, just loading ...loading...loading...Ebay wasting my
time during critical Q4 prepthank goodness mark-of-the-posh is working
fine...New listing format is a joke. Going backwards..I just dont leave
feedback for buyers because I dont h...
the solution is easy, i just stopped leaving feedback, i dont have time
to type out a custom Feedback. When the participation #s go way down,
maybe ebay will fix it, otherwise it is useless complaining to
ebay....ebay loves to invent useless solution...
i think they need to create a completely NEW ebay and keep the "classic"
ebay running, the two platforms sharing the only in SEARCH, nothing
else, then after a year or so have everyone on the classic TRANSFER the
classic ebay listing to the new platf...
thanks so much, i was suffering using the new format, then it just stop
loading and i could not list or edit , all locked up. ebay just needs to
run these "improvements" by 5 or 10 seasoned sellers to avoid these
garbage roll outs