I am very disappointed in eBay customer service. I shipped a package Fed
Ex ground & estimated charge was $83.36. I was billed $328. I spoke with
Fed Ex & the bill was corrected & my label cost $85.56. I was informed
that eBay was credited on April 2...
Buyer claims items arrived damaged. Seller accepts the return. Seller
received box back, partial refund issued as EBay limits the amount you
can deduct. Seller opens later & it’s a box of rocks! eBay backed the
buyer & no seller protection.
The item wasn’t broken when I shipped it and so that doesn’t fit with
not as described and I have to pay return shipping. I don’t agree with
the way EBAY steps in and tells you how you have to do things. I took a
mirror to UPS & paid for their packag...