You "should" but even then this is over step by eBay and just one more
hurdle to setup for them to profit from you. You also need to link a
second account to your main account and this is a whole lot of extra red
tape. They should allow direct payout...
According to who? It's one thing to have CC info ~ another to have
access to your savings account! I don.t trust anyone when it comes to
that stuff. No matter what is "said" and there "claims" of safe records.
Its your freaking bank account! ~ cray c...
Not for long my friend!Enjoy paying your ridiculous commission rates and
risking yourself to a cyber attack. Many other platforms without these
ridiculous rules!P>S> the only reason on on it now is because they wont
let you close the account without ...
This is insane - never trust a third party with this level of detail. It
takes one cyber attack and your account is drained!They also now don't
offer payouts via snail mail and force you to supply this information to
receive your funds. Anyone who kn...