Hi there,I am trying to figure out if I should charge handling cost to
my customers.I can't find anything on it in the seller center can
someone please explain it to me.Let's say I sell something for $10 and I
would do free shipping and $2 handling c...
HiI have a question. I had a buyer buying a item from me and he didn't
pay, I send 2 invoices and still nothing. So this morning I canceled and
then select "buyer didn't pay". Now my question is, is there a
consequence for the buyer? I mean I lost 4 ...
HiI want to open a eBay store, now you get every month 250 free
listings. So if I open a basic eBay store with a other 250 free
listings, now my question, do I get 500 free listings a month? Thank you
how can you cancel a order if the buyer dosen't pay? eBay dosen't have a
option for that, I would have to wait 4 days so that eBay put the
listing up, I'm loosing potentail customers
HiI had a item sold and paid within minutes, my problem is that it would
go to Russia. I posted in the listing US only and the shipping that I
asked for will not cover a packed to Russia. What can I do?