Media mail regulations say nothing about periodicals. What they say is
that the item may not include advertisements. Unless I've missed
something in another regulation somewhere else, it's OK to send
magazines that don't include ads, like Road Test.
Losses from the sale of personal property do not need to be reported
unless you received a Form 1099-K===Thanks. But yeah, I did get a 1099-K
from eBay. Didn't we all?
Should column H on the 8949 be 0 for any item sold at a loss, so that
when the column is totaled it shows just the gains? Which is all the IRS
cares about for a non-business. ----- Edit: A reply to your question can
be found here.
Followup on your statement about deducting capital losses -- what I'm
selling are garage sale type items: books, collectibles, old computer
parts -- so would these be classified as personal-use items and so not
deductible? ----- Edit: A reply to your...