I can only hope someone from eBay will read this. I sell in the pottery
and glass section, with a focus on depression era glassware. This change
is very negative for both me, and my buyers. Many depression glass
buyers would simply browse their subca...
I have been putting all mine in Pottery and Glass, since that was where
all my categories were in the first place. This change was handled so
poorly by Ebay. Confusing for both us sellers and the buyers. I've gone
from 5-10 sells a day to 0.
It makes zero sense to me how going from pattern based categories to
piece based categories make sense. The average glass/China buyer is
going to be much more interested in collecting a pattern than collecting
a “plate”. When you account for the fact...
What a mess. This is a horrible change with no benefit for the buyer or
seller!!! It makes searching based on patterns some impossible! I can
only hope that ebays wallet takes a huge impact and they fix it… I know
my wallet will be. Can anyone tell m...