Yep and I don't know what to do come December. We like to put the tree
up early December for Sophie cos she loves all the build up to Christmas
but if we do that then they send us a letter mid December to tell us
that they are starting the remodel la...
It's the not knowing that is a pain. What if I put our Christmas tree up
in December and they tell us they are going to start the rewire and
remodel. It would mean having to take the tree down to let the remodel
No Frank spoke to the concierge a few days ago to try and get some info
from them and they told him they were on th 20th floor and were here for
15 weeks and as they work downwards our house will be one of the last to
be done and it may well be Janua...
Oh that is very pretty...I haven't taken any photos in ages. It is very
cold here. I changed our bed today an put our heavy bedspread on, on top
of our duvet. I always wait till Novemver to do that, I leave it on till
the end of March.