Thanks for any help. Just wondering, if I am already getting a 1099-K
from Ebay for the year for sales over $600.... and I sell a few items
via some non-ebay related groups I'm in and invoice for them via PP, but
the gross sales is under $600 for the...
Hi.... I've seen so much conflicting information about the new 600
dollar threshold for 1099's in 2022.... many of it outdated, not just
conflicting, and the last time I asked Ebay directly that said they have
no information that anything has changed...
Hi and thanks for any input/advice. My last two sales have been for 6
and change and 13 and change respectively.... both of them were
McDonald's toys from the 90's.... but what made me suspicious is that
each sale was to a new account created the day...
Hi all and thanks to anyone who can help. I'm not a regular seller on
ebay, but I've done it a few times in the past and had no problem. Today
I listed four items that I was asked to sell for a couple of different
relatives. The photos, which were ta...
Thanks to those who answered the question and stayed on topic. And
truly, thanks to all who felt compelled to add additional commentaries,
sarcasms, morality lessons and assumptions while knowing nothing about
the OP's (or anyone else's) specific sit...
Thanks, that makes me feel a lot better. Based on your answer and the
previous answer, I'll go ahead and just close the thread out. Appreciate
both of your answers
Thanks, I appreciate the reassurance, and figured it was probably the
case, but in the back of my mind I couldn't stop wondering if there was
some sort of scam going on.... thanks.
I found when I just re-uploaded the pictures they suddenly were there.
However, I was only selling four items (if I remember right, but it was
a very low amount) so it was easy to do. To do it for the amount of
items you are selling is ridiculous. Of...