I read everything -Unlike you i actually agree with the 7777 dude - i
know he is a dude - and if you are ok to be paying out of your own
pocking for something that does not end up in your own pocket - i rest
my caseI am too quick of a thinker to be t...
Ha haI have ADD and autism a bit - i can't read the whole thread - i
read most of it in 3 minsMy point is - teaching finance and economics is
good but you gotta pay college tuition - basic MATH problem and scam
here - and basic math is taught in kind...
You are missing the point againYou already pay PP fees for trans
processing, why should you pay more fees on sales tax?PP should
calculate the PP fee on the trans amount before tax - not add trans
amount and sales tax and charge you seller MORE becau...
I think everybody is missing the POINT being made hereHere is the
mathYou sell something for 100 bucksIL has almost 10% sales tax - so
ebay charges your buyer 110 for total transaction (i am not adding
shipping - assume free shipping)So, before - PP ...
EFFING thru the roofMy stress level is in outer spaceJust had two dumb
**bleep** buyers from CA cancel transactions on expensive doll - -Seller
whining -oh i did not know ebay is charging sales tax - ha ha -never
heard of it before - cancel my transa...