I was in the same boat, the only way I was able to enter it was the red
banner that said "update account details." Also I had to use a different
bank.. Goodluck
Luckily I was able to add mine before the deadline. Ebay's lovely
customer service agents are friendly, but sadly they have no idea what
is going on and really blow smoke up your rear. I was able to add my
bank only after entering it where it says up...
I got mine to work finally I had to add the bank info where it said
update account info in the red banner. Also had to use a different bank
account than my main one. Goodluck.
I think the update or add bank part of ebay is straight up broken. But
if you have any red update account details showing on your payment page
try that first and it might work, that's how I was able to add it. Also
I had to try 3 different banks be...
I got it to add a bank finally! You have to add it where it says update
account details or it wont work. Chime didn't work I don't know if ebay
has a problem with chime or if the chime website is just down right now.
But I used a real bank, I found o...