Hi are there any eBay sellers from the Florida Panhandle area around? I
was looking for a meetup that was close by? If none, would anyone like
to get together & exchange tips, stories or just work together maybe go
Hi are there any eBay sellers from the Florida Panhandle area around? I
was looking for a meetup that was close by? If none, would anyone like
to get together & exchange tips, stories or just work together maybe go
Hi, I changed my handling time from 2 days to 10 when I went on
vacation. I thought I used the bulk editing tool to change it back to 2
days. However later that even when creating listings my handling time
came up as 10 days on the new listings. How ...
Hi see reply to jane4899 I'm trying to figure out how to make a joint
reply. I am not computer savy. I do think this is a great idea for us to
all meet up even in skype or another way. lotsgoodstuff4u mentioned
messenger.If you have any ideas, let me...
Hi, Sorry I've been swamped. I have to admit, I do not know what I am
doing when it comes to trying to get us all together. I think it would
be great for us to all help each other, make each other laugh & to know
their are other people sharing in the...