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eBay Seller Experience Chief-of-Staff Valeri Yee rejoins us this week so share the steps eBay takes to roll out new site features and how we handle the occasional code issue so that there is minimal impact on your business. Griff and Brian answer questions on how eBay calculates the shipping cost shown to your international buyers and how to best handle a sticky “wrong item received” situation.


Episode Links:
eBay International Shipping Rate Chart
Seller Protections
Recurring Links:
eBay for Business Podcast
eBay Seller Spotlight Podcast
eBay for Business Podcast Listener Survey
eBay Seller News Announcements
eBay for Business Facebook
Community Chat with eBay Staff
eBay Seller Center
eBay Help
eBay Local Seller Events
Seller Hub
eBay Events

eBay Seller Experience Chief-of-Staff Valeri Yee rejoins us this week so share the steps eBay takes to roll out new site features and how we handle the occasional code issue so that there is minimal impact on your business. Griff and Brian answer questions on how eBay calculates the shipping cost shown to your international buyers and how to best handle a sticky “wrong item received” situation.


Episode Links:
eBay International Shipping Rate Chart
Seller Protections
Recurring Links:
eBay for Business Podcast
eBay Seller Spotlight Podcast
eBay for Business Podcast Listener Survey
eBay Seller News Announcements
eBay for Business Facebook
Community Chat with eBay Staff
eBay Seller Center
eBay Help
eBay Local Seller Events
Seller Hub
eBay Events


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The eBay for Business podcast is published every Tuesday morning and is presented by eBay, Libsyn and Podcast411.