12-05-2020 08:33 AM
12-05-2020 08:40 AM
In 2008 my hubby (an architect) was downsized from his job due to the bad economy. We were desperate to make the mortgage payment and then he remembered that he had a vintage silver dollar collection. My hubby is a big collector...so then he sold vintage cameras. I was happy because he was finally "letting go" of stuff.
12-05-2020 08:42 AM - edited 12-05-2020 08:43 AM
A semi motion water bed.
12-05-2020 08:46 AM
In the late '90s I used to collect digital items in online games, and sell them here on Ebay. I would sit my online character in one spot in a game called Asheron's Call, battle the thing that appeared every 15 minutes, collect the loot, and sell it here for sometimes $50+ per item. I always thought it was madness to pay for stuff like that, but if I could make money playing games, why not?
Then Ebay and the game companies made it against policy, so I started selling real games, and here I am a few hundred thousand sales later 😃
12-05-2020 09:00 AM - edited 12-05-2020 09:00 AM
Stihl br420c backpack blower, well used.
They cost just over $400 new.
Got $200 for it, paid around $40 in shipping, $35 more in fees, then the buyer wasn't real happy but thankfully after I groveled and did some begging they were kind to me and didn't return it.
I didn't sell anything more after that for a long time, years.
12-05-2020 09:23 AM
A volume of the most obscure and unreadable works of Thackeray, in a beautiful, near-perfect late 19th Century fine binding. Of course, it was the binding that was the sale. My buyer was no more going to read than had its previous owner. Bookcase candy. 😊
12-05-2020 09:32 AM
A very large vintage hourglass that I found at a yard sale. Paid $1.00 and sold for $88.00 four days after I listed it.
12-05-2020 10:00 AM
A paint sprayer. My husband got paint on everything except the fence -- my hair and glasses, Zeke our beagle, the picture windows and the roses, so I made him sell it. That was about 2000. Second item was a first edition bottle of Marilyn Merlot in 2003. Bottle received as a gag gift in the 1990s, sold for about $800.
12-05-2020 11:48 AM - edited 12-05-2020 11:48 AM
Pine cones from my yard.
I am just amazed how many pine cones I sell.
01-26-2021 05:27 AM
back in 1997 every place I went like a swap meet, flea market I kept seeing a vendor booth with an ebay logo on it. I asked the wife and she had no clue so we ventured over closer to one at a swap meet to eavesdrop in to see what it was about.
Got caught and was prompted to come up by them. We were given funky ebay logo pens and learned it was an online auction site that started 2 years earlier. Seeing up to that time I have done just about every type of auctions before I had to look it up when we got home.
didn't take long to jump on board but I started slow like we were told to to learn the ropes first. first item I sold was a glass candy dish we had on the end table that came out of a local auction box lot that we paid $2 for. We had to go to a cover dish when the wife got a cat so the old candy dish went. Started at .99 and sold for $15.00 so everything else in that box lot was paid for.
The second item I sold was a fishing lure that was hanging in the basement when I brought the one house at a sheriff's auction. Remember I do all kinds of auctions Again started it at .99 because it only cost a .25 to list at that price versus .50 for starting it at a $1 and it sold in the $20 range.
Note that neither item was going to cause me to have financial problems if the sales went backwards. I was hooked and it didn't take long to list more expensive stuff.
I still have those 2 funky ebay pens.