06-21-2022 04:04 AM - edited 06-21-2022 04:08 AM
What ever happened to Nobody's Perfect? - changed her handle? and is operating under a new alias? and I missed the notification or read it and forgot I'm just one of those Men From Mars??, packed up eBay bags? etc. or possibly made so much $$ on eBay and is now living in Costa Rica** ?
She was one of most helpful posters on these boards and straightened me out (nicely of course) several times.
** A view of a beach and a fav say of mine from Costa Rica
06-21-2022 04:10 AM
She was here yesterday. Her profile shows online.
06-21-2022 04:13 AM
You've been passing like ships in the night.
06-21-2022 04:23 AM
OK thanks for the G2 - only play on these boards in the early morning now that I hung up my eBay selling spurs last October.
06-21-2022 04:45 AM
@johnrj1226 wrote:What ever happened to Nobody's Perfect? - changed her handle? and is operating under a new alias? and I missed the notification or read it and forgot I'm just one of those Men From Mars??, packed up eBay bags? etc. or possibly made so much $$ on eBay and is now living in Costa Rica** ?
She was one of most helpful posters on these boards and straightened me out (nicely of course) several times.
** A view of a beach and a fav say of mine from Costa Rica
06-21-2022 05:13 AM
@johnrj1226 wrote:What ever happened to Nobody's Perfect? - changed her handle?
No, but if searching for the ID by name, note that it uses an asterisk in place of an apostrophe and an underscore in place of a space: nobody*s_perfect
06-21-2022 05:16 AM
Yep, she was here yesterday. saw her in one of the post office closed thread and I believe in one of the new (cough,cough) tax law threads trying to help explain it isn't new.
Probably buried in packing and shipping today after the great unknown holiday yesterday. 🙂
06-21-2022 05:21 AM
Hi John, I am flattered by your comments and concerns. But I'm still here every day, albeit a bit less than in the past because (1) I'm taking care of a family member who has health problems and young children; and (2) I've given up on trying to keep up with some of eBay's practices and policies that prompt the questions here, such as promotions and newfangled listing forms.
06-21-2022 05:23 AM
06-21-2022 08:33 AM
Understand but family is first. That is the main reason why I stopped selling on eBay we now offer "free day care" for our 3.75 y.o. very active grandson. plus eBay "ain't is much fun" for me an more - but enjoyed the ride while it was fun
Glad to hear from you & take care.
Don't be a strange to this "Man from Mars".
06-21-2022 09:54 AM
@nobody*s_perfect wrote:Hi John, I am flattered by your comments and concerns. But I'm still here every day, albeit a bit less than in the past
Well, please don't be a stranger. We need your encyclopedic knowledge of USPS rate tables around here. 🙂