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711 thousand new IRS agents for anyone under 75,000

711 thousand new agents for anyone making 75,000 or under and 95,000 agents for 500 and over.   thats what we are looking at folks.     they have made A ARMY of new AUDITS!    how many businesses will close because of these new  rules?    when you feel like you are swimming i shark infested waterss, are you more or less inclined to invest and build a bussness?    we are being PRAYED UPON.   argue with me now,   agree with me later....

Message 1 of 56
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711 thousand new IRS agents for anyone under 75,000

@coolections wrote:

You drank the kool-aide. You will see when it all comes out and believe me it will.

Actually, I'm allergic to kool-aide.  Funny, that - I still think for myself. 


ETA: And yeah, it IS all coming out.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 31 of 56
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711 thousand new IRS agents for anyone under 75,000

In our history books there are many examples of folks "cheating" on their  taxes.  A few  examples  Al Capone, Joseph Kennedy (prohibition era & Scotch Whiskey),  King George sent folks  over to the colonies to work  off their indebtedness (a lot were sent to Georgia to work off their back taxes) & the  real bad folks were sent to Australia), etc. etc.

In a nutshell  "People will lie a little, cheat a little but they will always be sincere about it".  "There is no such place as Utopia"  Plus sure a lot of speeders, tailgaters,  red light runners, I Yield to no one  today folks -  more than ever but  fewer  flashing blue lights.  Can you  say Dodge City is going on everywhere?

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
The Devil made me do it! - Flip Wilson
If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too J.R. Johnson
Message 32 of 56
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711 thousand new IRS agents for anyone under 75,000

Not sure where you got your info. But, the bill that just passed is over a ten-year period with roughly 85K due for retirement. It does not happen overnight and if you believe someone that says it does, well that is being a bit gullible. Best of luck.

Message 33 of 56
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711 thousand new IRS agents for anyone under 75,000

One more thing we  have some shining examples of  our  elected officials  from the village mayors to the halls of DC on how to  get "free" stuff via the back door.  Like  a phrase out of a Sonny and Chers song of  long ago  "And the beat goes on"

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
The Devil made me do it! - Flip Wilson
If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too J.R. Johnson
Message 34 of 56
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711 thousand new IRS agents for anyone under 75,000

Seems to be a terrible over reaction to the fact that you should have been declaring ALL of your income/profts and paying your taxes since the day you began working/selling/in business as the law of the your country and mine requires > then you would have no fear, no worries, no fines and no outlandish tax bill.


Maybe I am the odd one out, doing the right thing since I was 15.........

I have been imported from Australia and this is my posting ID
Message 35 of 56
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711 thousand new IRS agents for anyone under 75,000

Fox New is a reliable source? When did this miracle happen? And it's Fox basing their information on super reliable Kevin McCarthy and Kevin Brady? Is it the same first names that makes them so reliable? I can't think of anything else.


And Austin-American-Statesman does include their sources for your reference.

Message 36 of 56
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711 thousand new IRS agents for anyone under 75,000

Like everything else the dems do, just when they decide to tax low income families of $600 or more selling on Ebay, they increase the number of audits. Communist.

Message 37 of 56
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711 thousand new IRS agents for anyone under 75,000

@dnasilver wrote:

Not sure where you got your info. But, the bill that just passed is over a ten-year period with roughly 85K due for retirement. It does not happen overnight and if you believe someone that says it does, well that is being a bit gullible. Best of luck.

The source was revealed above--the entertainment channel. 

Message 38 of 56
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711 thousand new IRS agents for anyone under 75,000

@yuzuha wrote:

@ten_o_nine wrote:

Then they should go to flea markets and enforce it.

Dunno about yours, but my local flea market requires a tax ID in order to get a space.

Ditto around here.  Lots of paperwork.  Flea market owners long ago got tired of being venues for tax dodgers and sellers of stolen merchandise.



Message 39 of 56
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711 thousand new IRS agents for anyone under 75,000

@coolections wrote:

Like everything else the dems do, just when they decide to tax low income families of $600 or more selling on Ebay, they increase the number of audits. Communist.

Ummmm....and what did you think about the article in the Austin-American-Statesman that I posted about?

Message 40 of 56
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711 thousand new IRS agents for anyone under 75,000

"Paranoia runs deep --

"Into your life it will creep --

"It starts when you're always afraid --

"Step out of line, the men come and take you away."


-- Buffalo-Springfield, 1966


So what are you afraid that the IRS will find?

Message 41 of 56
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711 thousand new IRS agents for anyone under 75,000

Kevin McCarthy’s mostly false claim about an army of 87,000 IRS agents

Kevin McCarthy: “Democrats' new army of 87,000 IRS agents will be coming for you — with 710,000 new audits for Americans who earn less than $75k.”

PolitiFact's ruling: Mostly False


I just did a quick internet search. Found this article from a couple days ago concerning the source of the information. These are not my opinions or views - just the first article I found discussing facts of claim.


Kevin McCarthy’s mostly false claim about an army of 87,000 IRS agents (

Message 42 of 56
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711 thousand new IRS agents for anyone under 75,000

I didn't come here to listen/read FOX news. I have my own TV where (I won't) I can view. Your thread needs to be moved to that eBay it still called Soap Box? or something similar? Needs to be moved from here.

I ain't got the brains to make this up (Fantastic Beasts)
Message 43 of 56
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711 thousand new IRS agents for anyone under 75,000

I saw him falsely spew it live and FOX spewed it to their masses. This thread needs to be moved to that crazy eBay Soap Box forum, if it still exists. Thanks for the link.

I ain't got the brains to make this up (Fantastic Beasts)
Message 44 of 56
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711 thousand new IRS agents for anyone under 75,000

Ir pleases me to be PRAYED UPON, actually, and I thank those who offer prayers on my behalf.


That aside, and setting aside that your numbers are all wrong, I think it is not only tax dodgers that both the previous administrations and this one are after with new legislation and additional IRS agents.


I think the federal government has been, and continues to be, moving to do more about a huge underground economy of not just tax dodgers and general scofflaws, but sellers of stolen merchandfise, money launderers, drug dealers, human traffickers, foreign nationals working unlawfully, and terrorist cells. 


I don't see how any decent citizen, of any partisan persuasion, can see that as a bad thing.




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