05-23-2021 08:42 AM
I had an auction few weeks back selling a binder of Yugioh cards I had leftover from my childhood collection. Got a message from the buyer saying my description was misleading; labeling cards as MP/LP when many were in fact rougher shape with heavy staining and the like. Didn't do an intense analysis on all the cards so there was a chance he was being fair, plus the item sold well below what I thought it was worth so told him no worries I'll send you shipping label and send it back to me.
Got it back today and alas the cards in the binder are not the same cards in the provided photos of my listing. It is clear the buyer took out all of the valuable cards, left some jank and even added in extra bulk that has nothing to do with our order just to keep the weight of the package the same as the original. What is the best way to go about this? I don't care much about money since I already accounted this as a loss, but the principle of the matter is a big concern of mine, and since this buyer has 100% feedback across several years on eBay, I'd want to do my part in making sure these shady transactions don't happen to any other sellers.
05-23-2021 08:58 AM
The only advice I can give moving forward is to revisit your Returns policy. You are a TRS, and if you offered 30-Day (even buyer pays) Returns, you'd be able to reduce the buyer's refund by up to 50% if you are returned an item in a de-valued/destroyed/different condition than when you shipped it.
I know that it doesn't make you whole, but it lessens the sting a bit. It's one of the last seller protections we have... since you qualify, I'd recommend you use it. Good luck to you.
05-23-2021 09:37 AM
I didn't offer 30 day returns on the item; I accepted the buyer's claim thinking they were acting in good faith, and the fact I was happy to get the cards back for the price he paid not expecting him to steal the cards and sending me cards that were not part of the order.
I am considering uploading photos to show the different cards in the binder pages he sent back and the photos in my original listing, alongside a request to eBay that the buyer didn't return the item, but will that actually do anything or just stretch out this **bleep** more? I can just see this becoming a he said/she said scenario with eBay ultimately packing up the buyer as they always do...
05-23-2021 09:49 AM
First, make sure you report the buyer for buyer abuse>
Second, block the buyer>
Here is the link re condition of returned items>
Read this link on criteria to issue partial refunds and other refund issues>
I post my situations on Twitter with great success. Their customer service is exceptional.