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New Ebay Seller - Metrics and Buyer Feedback

Hello Everyone!

I am a new ebay seller and new to this group!  I am hoping for some guidance as a newbie.  I started my store on July 5 and currently we just have shoes for sale.  As we build our store we would like to include clothing as well.  I am trying to find some metrics on ebay traffic to see how my store is doing compared to those recommended metrics.   Can anyone offer some feedback based on my metrics below?


To date, I have a total of 196,391 impressions, 1,723 page views, 20 shoes sold, .9% average click thru rate and 1.2% sales conversation rate.  


I am in the process of changing the look of my photos in the store to see if that makes a difference as well.  I average about 2 shoe sales a week, however it has been a little slow this week.   Also, even though I have sold 20 pairs of shoes I have only received a total of 6 feedback from buyers.  Does anyone have suggestions on how to increase this?  I do include a hand written card in each shipment asking for feedback. 


Thank you so much for all your help and I am excited to be a part of this community!



Shae Lee's Closet 

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Re: New Ebay Seller - Metrics and Buyer Feedback

Feedback is not used by eBay to measure your account.

Only about 40% of all transactions get any feedback, and I suspect most of that is left by sellers.

I have a new account  opened about a year ago which has had 20 sales and only about five feedback left.  (It's a slow moving category so the low numbers don't bother me.)


The fastest way to build FB, which is used as a measure of trust by some buyers, is to do some buying.

Stuff you need around the house, or for packaging. Maybe printer ink.  And then choose sellers who leave FB on shipment, or at least consistently. Not the guys who withold FB until they receive it.


You might also try Promoted Listings, if newbies are allowed to use it.

This promotion gives you slightly better prominence in Search and you only pay for it if the listing sells.

General opinion is that one percent is enough to get the benefit without paying out all your profits in fees.

Oddly, since I have been using this in my Stores,  my sales have increased, but it is not necessarily the PLs that are moving. People seem to see the PLs , consider them, move on and buy something else from me.  Which means I get the sale without the PL  fee.  My kind of price.

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Re: New Ebay Seller - Metrics and Buyer Feedback

Thank you so much for your insight! This is very helpful!
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