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eBay Users’ Stamp Club meeting 15-17 December "Evocative Philatelic Items"

*** eBay Users’ Stamp Club ***

Please join us on this thread for our monthly meeting on “A Walk Down Memory Lane / Evocative Philatelic Items." There will also be an id check-in.


The meeting is officially open any time Friday December 15 to midnight on Sunday December 17.


"Evocative Philatelic Items"

Evocative is defined as:

"evoking or tending to evoke an especially emotional response


  •  Which stamps or covers take you back to a place or time earlier in your life or in your imagination?
  • Can you close your eyes and feel the movement of the wagon on the Oregon Trail?
  • Can you smell the salty sea air, or hear the airplane's engine sputter into life?
  • Do you salivate when looking at and sniffing your collection of Swiss chocolate stamps?
  • Do you remember your first successful manual snipe when you look at a stamp or cover in your collection?
  • Was there a surge of adrenalin when your significant other nearly found out how much you paid for one of your prized pieces?
  • Or were you on the floor at an auction with your hand up high, bidding more than you should, but not regretting it?
  • Do you see your grandfather every time you open up his old album?
  • Which pieces are you attached to emotionally, and will find hard to sell"?


I could go on (and already have), so think about what you will share with us.                      


Anne will show us items from her grandfather’s collections.

I will be putting up a display of the Florida Forgers’ forgeries and possibly other correspondence from that era (2001-2004) if it surfaces.

The balcony will offer a selection of bananas for sneeky. Eggnog and mulled wine will be provided for those in the northern hemisphere. Punch and lemon, lime and bitters for those in the southern hemisphere.

The workshop area will be set up with laptop computers with copies of old chatboards.

An id-check-in tally will be posted regularly (every 10 IDs).

If anyone can post the exact number of IDs which checked in under Roger’s presidency’s meeting check-in, they will be sent a prize.


See you there!

 Sheryll and Anne
eUSC 2014-15 Co-Presidents sheryll*net (Sheryll in OR) and abt1950 (Anne in NJ)

Message 1 of 15
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Re: eBay Users’ Stamp Club meeting 15-17 December "Evocative Philatelic Items"

I am not certain how available I will be as the weekend goes on, but I wanted to participate.  So, here's an opener.


The US 1861 issue has attracted most of my collecting attention - so it isn't a surprise that I picked up a few 1 cent Drop Letters, etc.  Essentially, a drop letter is an item dropped at the post office to be picked up by the recipient at the post office. 


I don't recall buying this particular cover and I know it didn't cost me much at all.  It's clean enough but nothing about it caught too much attention, so I sat on it for a while before researching it.  Of course, I wanted to learn about Fairfield Seminary and you can see the results of my efforts on the page below:


fairfieldsempage.jpgThis one is evocative for me now that I have done a little research.  I was struck, in particular, by the combination of similarities and differences between 1863 Fairfield and the current day Fairfield.  Living in Iowa, I have seen my share of small town structures disappear.  Some of them I drove by day after day, taking some note of them until, one day, they were gone.  I remember great amounts of activity around a place that used to have a farmstand, horses and other critters.  That whole place is now a corn/soybean field.  I didn't realize how much the old water tower in the town we live by was imprinted into our minds until they took it down.  Now, I see a stylized sillouette of that water tower painted on a building and I find myself being nostalgic.  There is not a good reason for it since I did not grow up in this town and I had absolutely no attachment to it.


I don't think it's that I regret the change in some of these cases.  It's more that I feel like the past is deserving of some place in memory and I wonder if things like this are properly noted in some fashion.  I guess that is part of why I am a postal historian (of sorts).

Message 2 of 15
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Re: eBay Users’ Stamp Club meeting 15-17 December "Evocative Philatelic Items"

The wind came howling through Iowa today and I decided it was not a good day to be working outside.  While I am glad that I am entering the 'off-season' on the farm, there are days when I actually miss walking behind the wheel hoe.


For those who do not know, a wheel hoe is a two-handled tool that has some sort of cultivating blade.  The back of the top cover shows five people using two-wheeled wheel hoes to cultivate on either side of a crop.



Some of my best days on the farm have been those where the weather was not too windy and the soil was JUST RIGHT for cultivation.  Wheel hoe work can be mildly strenuous, but not so much that it can't also be pleasant.   You can listen to nature - or listen to music - or just be alone with your thoughts.  All the while, you're getting real work done.


The soil and steel have a sound and a feel on days like this that is soothing.  Sometimes you walk close enough to the crop that your leg brushes against its leaves.  And, if you're lucky, that crop is basil (ok, you're lucky if you LIKE the smell of basil).  Maybe a butterfly will land on the bill of your cap.  The iced tea in the thermos tastes especially good and a little bit of sweat tells you that you're earning your keep.  The 'cucumber frog' jumps out just in time to startle you a little bit and you notice a new hatching of lady beetles.  It looks like the green beans will have their first picking by next week - our favorite veggie.  Lightly steamed with some real butter.  We've worked out here long enough.  Maybe we'll just pick a potfull of beans even if they're a little small and go cook them up now. 

Message 3 of 15
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Re: eBay Users’ Stamp Club meeting 15-17 December "Evocative Philatelic Items"

The wooden pencil.


All I have to do is look at this cover and I can hear the sound of the pencil sharpener at the elementary school when I was a student there.  I remember that there were times we would line up to take a turn sharpening pencils and I remember working desparately hard to use up every tiny bit of each pencil...


And, what good is a wooden pencil without one of those nice big rubber erasers?  There wasn't a 'backspace' key to hit that made what you wrote go away when you made a mistake.  A few seconds of scrubbing on the paper and you'd have all of these pills of eraser stubble that you could sweep off the desk with one quick swipe of the hand.  But, oh, the frustration when you were overly aggressive with that eraser.  A hole in the paper or perhaps the whole thing wrinkles up and then tears - ugh!


There were some moments in the classroom where everyone was pretty mellow and calm.  Everyone was working on something and no one seemed inclinded to make a ruckus.  I remember some of those times putting my head down on the desk next to whatever I was working on.  There is a certain feel and smell that goes along with wooden flip top desks, paper, pencils and erasers.  I realize only kids can do this because it requires a certain amound of flexibility and a ridiculous ability to see things a couple of inches from your face.  But, the odd thing about it was that doing this had the odd effect of making you feel a bit like you had your own space, even though you were in a room with 23 other students and a teacher.


There you are - my Friday offering for the subject.


Message 4 of 15
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Re: eBay Users’ Stamp Club meeting 15-17 December "Evocative Philatelic Items"

Thanks for starting us\off, Rob.

Remember everyone, that this is a broad topic. Evocative items can be like, well, here 's one example...


I was at Natstamp 98 in Canberra, not as an exhibitor, as my New Hebrides was then only two frames so I was not able to show at national class level. In fact I hadn't even exhibited then. I was looking through a Portland, OR dealers' stock, at a 1941 France Libre overprint cover and my friend Hubert said, "Don't buy that. I can sell you one for cheaper." So I spent my money on a nice Meister cover instead (and it still has a place in my exhibit).
Here is the 1941 France Libre overprint cover that Hubert sold me.


Message 5 of 15
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Re: eBay Users’ Stamp Club meeting 15-17 December "Evocative Philatelic Items"

In early 2000 I had connected with another New Hebrides collector. We were each excited to find that we both has a Stolow cover. One was with British CDS and the other French. It soon became obvious to us both that  there were more Stolow covers out there.


I saw an overprint cover on eBay addressed to Bayer, so I decided to "upgrade". It was my first manual snipe.



Message 6 of 15
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Re: eBay Users’ Stamp Club meeting 15-17 December "Evocative Philatelic Items"

As you may guess, Bayer covers were just as plentiful as Stolow covers. When it comes to the first 3 overprint values on cover, the New Hebrides websiter shows 16 Stolow Covers and 18 Bayer covers, as well as covers to other New York dealers.


My current exhibitable cover of the first 3 overprints  is below.



Message 7 of 15
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Re: eBay Users’ Stamp Club meeting 15-17 December "Evocative Philatelic Items"

What has all this got to do with "evocative" you ask. Well, I found this cover last week and it evoked a lot of stuff, including the New Hebrides experiences explained previously.




 An article was published in Linns Stamp News in 1999. It was to do with SIGCC "certificates" on eBay. Their origin was traced to Gregory Stolow of the J. and H. Stolow family of stamp dealers.



Message 8 of 15
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Re: eBay Users’ Stamp Club meeting 15-17 December "Evocative Philatelic Items"

This cinderella takes me back to the days of my youth (early 1960's)

where my hard earned allowance was spent (wasted?) on comic books,

Aurora Monster kits and my favorite waste of money... Mad Magazine!


mad stamp.jpg

Message 9 of 15
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Re: eBay Users’ Stamp Club meeting 15-17 December "Evocative Philatelic Items"

Can’t resist . . . non-stamp post here.


I blame oggilby! He started it!!



Message 10 of 15
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Re: eBay Users’ Stamp Club meeting 15-17 December "Evocative Philatelic Items"

Many thanks to those of you who posted.


Rob, you really are in tune with evocative!


Jaywild, your off-topic post wa really on topic as Oggilby's post was evocative.... : )


I would have posted more, but my typing was at a low ebb in the evenings over the weekend, so you missed out on various envelopes addressed by Saratoga Ring members and a selection of Hialeah forgeries.


No one gave the correct number of eBay Id's who checked in when Roger was President, so the prize of 2 free eBay ID's is held over for another time.


I will close the meeting now, but if there are more evocative items to be posted, this is the appropriate thread.


The next meeting will be Friday 19 - Sunday 21st January and the topic will be "Exhibiting outside the box - ideas, tricks and tips".


What is the latest trend in formatting an exhibit?

What makes an exhibit page look sharp (this one is particularly for Rob)

How did you get 5 out of 5 for presentation ( or 2 out of 5)?

What special awards have you won and why were they awarded to you.

If you weren't being judged competitively, what would your exhibit pages look like?

Plus all the conventional tricks and tips questions.




Message 11 of 15
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Re: eBay Users’ Stamp Club meeting 15-17 December "Evocative Philatelic Items"

Hi Sheryll...


Sorry! Looks like I killed the board with my post.  Perhaps people didn’t know I was joking.

Message 12 of 15
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Re: eBay Users’ Stamp Club meeting 15-17 December "Evocative Philatelic Items"

Relax, Jim, I thought I killed it with my Stolow posts... : )


I thought this was going to be a great topic, and bring people out of the woodwork. We all have something evocative in our collections.

Message 13 of 15
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Re: eBay Users’ Stamp Club meeting 15-17 December "Evocative Philatelic Items"

My entire collection is evocative of Grandfather.  He passed in 1959, I was born in 1960.  My father received his father's collection.  My grandfather was a prolific collector on Long Island, New York, and his collection was in filling cabinets, albums, and boxes.  Since my father was in the Air Force, we moved quite a lot, and those boxes of stamps moved along with us.  We never had any time to go through them, it was one of those "some day" projects.  Finally in 2015, after 50 plus years, my dad gave me the entire collection, telling me to do what ever wanted to do with them.   For the last 2 years I have been going through all the boxes and albums, finding gems each and every day.  But more importantly, I am learning about the grandfather I never knew, through notes in albums, comments made in margins, and what he saw as worth keeping.  It's been a real treat to learn about my grandfather, Frank A. DelGiorno......philatelist extrodiare.

Message 14 of 15
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Re: eBay Users’ Stamp Club meeting 15-17 December "Evocative Philatelic Items"


So, do you have any information on Bayer?  Familiar with the Stolow side.



Sounds like a wonderful opportunity to get to know someone even after they've gone.  thanks for sharing!



I thought it was MY job to kill the board.  I was afraid that I'd already killed it because I overdid my own posting.  All or nothing, that's me, I guess....  I suspect it was just a difficult weekend to get participation?


Oggilby - Mad Magazine...  my mother didn't want us reading it.  I guess I wasn't as tempted by it as I was baseball cards and Matchbox cars....  🙂




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