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Do you think Philately as a Hobby is popular in youth or it's dying? Let's see what ChatGPT says

As an AI language model, I don't have real-time data, but I can provide some insights based on information available up until September 2021. At that time, while philately, the hobby of collecting and studying postage stamps, had experienced a decline in popularity compared to its peak in the mid-20th century, it still had an active community of enthusiasts around the world.

Philately has faced challenges in recent years due to changing communication technologies and the rise of digital communication. The decline in traditional mail usage has resulted in fewer stamps being issued, which could affect the appeal of stamp collecting for some individuals. Additionally, younger generations often have different interests and hobbies, and may not be as engaged with stamp collecting as previous generations.

However, it's worth noting that while the hobby may not be as prominent as it once was, there are still many dedicated philatelists who find joy in collecting and studying stamps. Stamp exhibitions, clubs, and online communities continue to thrive, allowing enthusiasts to connect and share their passion for philately.

The long-term outlook for any hobby is difficult to predict, as interests and trends can change over time. While philately may not be as popular as it once was, it is too early to definitively say whether it is a dying hobby. Ultimately, the future of philately will depend on the continued engagement of existing collectors and the ability to attract new enthusiasts.


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Do you think Philately as a Hobby is popular in youth or it's dying? Let's see what ChatGPT says

You might ask ChatGPT how the surge in Counterfeit US Forever Stamps will affect Stamp Collecting.  Will it accelerate the demise?

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Do you think Philately as a Hobby is popular in youth or it's dying? Let's see what ChatGPT says

Heheh, Bard comes up with almost an identical answer:

Philately, the hobby of collecting and studying postage stamps, has been around for centuries. It was once a popular hobby among young people, but its popularity has declined in recent years. There are a number of reasons for this decline, including the rise of digital communication, the increasing cost of stamps, and the lack of awareness of philately among young people.

Despite the decline in popularity, there are still many young people who enjoy philately. These young philatelists are often passionate about the hobby and are eager to learn more about stamps and postal history. They may collect stamps from different countries, or they may specialize in collecting stamps from a particular era or topic. Some young philatelists even participate in stamp shows and competitions.

If you are a young person who is interested in philately, there are a number of resources available to help you get started. There are many books and websites that can teach you about stamps and postal history. You can also join a local philatelic club or society. These clubs can provide you with support and guidance, and they can also help you connect with other young philatelists.

Philately can be a rewarding hobby for young people. It can help you learn about history, geography, and culture. It can also help you develop your research and problem-solving skills. If you are interested in learning more about philately, I encourage you to check out the resources that are available to you.

Here are some additional thoughts on the future of philately:

  • It is possible that philately will become more popular among young people in the future. This could happen if there is a renewed interest in history and traditional hobbies.

I'm certainly not sure the 'around for centuries' part is totally accurate, but certainly the decline between the middle 20th century and now, as a percentage of total population, is real. There has been a surge in visible collecting since the advent of the internet era, though how that translates to the base numbers isn't clear.

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