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Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

I think this might be a great place to kinda land and connect with a some friends.






Can you please invite some folks to come and post and bring some snacks?  I think I will just keep 2 screens open and coastal picked the name of this place - "dingy falls" when ya need a little respite, please let me know to "dingy" and I will dingy over!




....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 1 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate


Finally, this site would let me post or reply at least 5x. Hi Katz!!! It's so nice to see you back, really have been missed.

     When you get a chance, did you find a little home? How's your puddahs? Any good thrifting treasures? How's your boy doing?

     Seriously I couldn't post here, sometimes it would take it but most times it froze up, I had a long post for @buyselljack2016 but it never went thru.

Message 8686 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@silverstatetreasureboxes wrote:


Finally, this site would let me post or reply at least 5x. Hi Katz!!! It's so nice to see you back, really have been missed.

     When you get a chance, did you find a little home? How's your puddahs? Any good thrifting treasures? How's your boy doing?

     Seriously I couldn't post here, sometimes it would take it but most times it froze up, I had a long post for @buyselljack2016 but it never went thru.


Sent you a PM.....


Things are good.  Life is always an adventure!



....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 8687 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate



I generally get back to the thread by going to my last post in "my profile",  but  as of today a problem that I currently have is rather than going to the latest unread post when I see it pop up is it is taking me to page 3.


Maybe that is where the removal stopped when whatever was going on when the thread reverted back to 8600 +.


Apparently I am going to need to open/close 432 pages to get back to seeing the latest unread post 😫or just click on the 43X #.

Message 8688 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate


@buyselljack2016 wrote:



Apparently I am going to need to open/close 432 pages to get back to seeing the latest unread post 😫or just click on the 43X #.



Hang on, you don't need to go through all that!


Just scroll up to the top of the page, and hover over "Options" in the top right. Then choose "Mark topic as read" and it will be like you actually read all the posts on 432 pages!




Message 8689 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate


Thanks for that. I can't reread (or even click on ) all those pages to get back to seeing the 1st unread post 🤣 


When I attempt the "mark as read" it opens a little window asking me if I want to "leave site"


Do I want to leave ?


EDIT............... Tried again, it isn't doing that anymore. It happened on 4 tries earlier.

Message 8690 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@buyselljack2016, it doesn't do that for me ... that message means that you clicked a link that is not on eBay, which is usually fine, but none of the choices in the drop down menu should do that.


When I click on "Mark as read" I just get a banner saying "we marked this topic as read"





Maybe someone else can try it and see what happens.


I just did it again, and got the screenshot above.

Message 8691 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@lacemaker3 Thanks. Went to do again to get my own screenshot (or photo) and it did not show that little window this time. Earlier, got that little window 4 times.


Back in business, thanks.

Message 8692 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Great, I'm glad that worked for you.

Message 8693 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Nice day for the most part.

Had one job, stopped and filled up the truck, did banking, then the thrift shop and grocery shopping.


I did open up the back of the garage and pulled out the lawnmower.

No Noise.  ?  The wood chuck is ? ?

* Moved the lawn mower to the other side of the garage and cleaned it up.

* Added oil and gas and the battery.

* Surprised that it started right up.

* So, I did my first cutting in April. That is early for Wisconsin. ( of course, everyone else is on the 3rd or 4th cutting )

* I cut with my duct tape front wheels. Hopefully, the new bushing will be in tomorrow or the next day so that I can get the new tires back on the mower.

* Trying to decided if I will mow at the farm tomorrow. Looks like a nice day.


Milo was here. I talked to Milo's owner. Found out that Milo wintered between 3 farms ( mainly theirs) and my home.

Today, found out Milo LOVES ice sandwiches. He ate two. ( Need to get some ice cream for him)


Tomorrow, the main intersection in the village will be closed. Ewww.  The gas stations and banks are there.


Message 8694 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Sunny start to May.


Had a little walk. Yesterday someone picked up a "free" item from my yard. Stacked it atop other things in their truck, and headed on up the road. Thing is the little foam "free" sign was just tucked in on the item, and as they drove off it was sort of loose.


I wanted to take the highway walk to, if needed pick it up if it blew off.  Had visions of seeing the chair as well as the free thingy.


As I had driven that part of the road for my river walks I knew that there was a bit of trash to pick up. Took a plastic bag. Even though I had done a portion of the northward road the pig tossings quickly proved to be too much for one bag, and I had to again revert to stringing cans onto sticks.


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Some of this will just recycle (crushed cans, bottles with no labels. Some I will hose down for the deposit. 


Forgot to mention something from my river walks but was reminded today. I need to pick out some different footwear for these outings. I got to feeling like the tale of the "princess and the pea". Kept getting little things in the shoes and had to take them off and shake them out.


Turkeys were heading off into the woods as I was nearing home today. Only saw two but may have been the same 4 as yesterday.


Chips had some PB yesterday along with seeds and grapes. Today seeds and grapes. Two will just hang on the deck when I am at the door and wait for something to fall. Grapes barely stop rolling before getting snatched up.

Message 8695 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@buyselljack2016 wrote:

Forgot to mention something from my river walks but was reminded today. I need to pick out some different footwear for these outings. I got to feeling like the tale of the "princess and the pea". Kept getting little things in the shoes and had to take them off and shake them out.


Look what was on my yahoo page. Just perfect timing about footwear.

Maybe check this out. 




jack walk (640x287).jpg




Yesterday was nice and after work, I was able to mow down at the farm.

My poor duct tape tire lost it's tape.

I did receive a package in the mail and it should be the new bushings for the other tires, just didn't have enough time to see.  Maybe when I get home today to see if I got the right ones. Then I really need to change out the mower blades.


Suppose to be rain this afternoon/evening.


Message 8696 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Love fresh asparagus from the garden this time of year ...



Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 8697 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Busy days with work and trying to fit in small projects here and there.

I received the 4 piece adapter and bushings and they fit properly. I quick order another set and wrote down the measurements and item number for future purchases.


Heard an unusual noise and above me were a pair of eagles flying together. I do worry about my cats being out if these come closer to my house. ( this was down at the farm )


More spring flowers.

Grape hyacinth and creeping phlox

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The Jacob's Ladders are starting to bloom.


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More wood violets.

I have the burgundy and the purple speckled ones.

Then I did find some of the white with burgundy centers. For some reason, there is not that many of them throughout the gardens. I wonder if they are not good at multiplying


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The back corner garden where the creeping phlox is pretty much in full bloom.


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Woo Hoo!

I manage to get a white flower trillium growing.  This was transplanted last year from the Victorian home's woods. The trillium is a different variation and the petal will be a lime green. Not quite in bloom


DSC03253 (640x480).jpgDSC03254 (640x480).jpg

Message 8698 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Put in two days of pulling weeds for a client.

I still have part of the lakeside to do and then a rock terrace and the pine tree garden.


Yesterday was a couple of down pours.

So much rain flooded my road. It ran off the back cornfield bringing all the debris with it.

The town had to come out to clean up the mess.

I took videos. Again, the water comes down toward me and my smaller culverts instead of going the other direction with the large culvert to the other side of the road ditch.


Then in the evening was high winds and more down pours. There were tornado warnings and power outages.


Milo came back home.

He feels like he is full of fleas. No, he has been fighting and lost a lot of fur and the skin is scabby all over.


I thought there was no activity in the garage until I walked around it.

Huge chuck is missing from the door and between the cement slab and my barrier, he manage to get a hole dug. Back filled the hold with rocks and covered the door.

I did open the back door to get out some buckets and that woodchuck was there and there is a new "den" hole in the middle of the back section of the garage.



Message 8699 of 8,727
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

It's quiet here.

Everyone must be busy.


Just a dreary, wet day . . .  again.


Message 8700 of 8,727
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