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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Hi everyone. I figured there had to be others out there in the millions of eBayers who want to eliminate clutter. So I decided to create a discussion thread and a "ME" page all about clutter and how to get rid of it and how to keep it out of our lives forever.

Personally I know my clutter problem took years to accumulate, and will take some time and effort to make things "normal" again. But I'm ready to dedicate myself to the effort. I'd like to discuss the tips and strategies necessary not just to eliminate clutter but to become the kind of person who does not ACCUMULATE CLUTTER in the first place! If you are interesting in creating a clutter-free life then let's talk!
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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

a four letter word i just dont have enuff of.
hopefully if I do really well at
decluttering, I will have more time.
But I spend way toooo much time
trying to purge.

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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

It was very convicting to me when flylady was talking about not getting to enjoy being outside or fun times because of our stuff.

I think I'm getting close to being more free than I've ever been. I am so tired, though. I have to tell myself that it IS very hard and it takes MUCH energy when I am "behind." For example, maintaining a week's worth of dust is way easier than months worth. When a month's or more dust has accumulated on my ceiling fans, I have to climb up on several pieces of furniture and wipe down the blades with a damp cloth. If I do it weekly, I can just use my duster with the extended length, and I'm done in seconds.

It's going to be HARD for a while, but once we get to the other side, it will be so worth it and much easier to maintain. My goal is to have a home where people can drop by unannounced without me being embarrassed, to have a home that welcomes me to rest, not a home that scolds me for the many areas that need work and time.

The danger for me is burn out. I get so weary of the hard work that I want to quit and escape. I have to continue so that maybe I can be done once and for all with at least this level of frustration. There will always be decluttering and cleaning to do. I just don't want to feel that my life is enslaved by it, you know?

With that said, I need to go clean up.
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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

The latest weather report for saturday is
for cloudy day, not rain.
Let's hope that holds!!!

ReDuce, ReUse, ReCycle!

Yes, I need to REDUCE!!!
I've got three tubs of stuff ready
for saturday. Hopefully tonight
I'll be able to clean up some
more knick-knacks and get them
packed up and ready to go.

The Flea Market is from 8am-2pm
with set up at 7 am.
the community center is only three blocks
from my house, which is gonna make the
haul a lot easier! and the Parking Lot
is VERY visible from the main road and
has plenty of parking.

Hopefully the convenience of the location
will bring lots of buyers!
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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Oh my gosh!

I just discovered this thread.

What an inspiration you all are.

I can't begin to start in my house yet, but I do promise myself I will come here every day and read a few posts. I am overwhelmed.

Thank you, thank you, thanks you!

love, dharma
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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Welcome Dharma!!!
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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

I worked on tidying up
the kitchen Saturday morning.
didnt get as much accomplished
as I had hoped to,
but it was a start.
My coworker is giving me some
dish stacker racks that she no
longer needs now that she is
having her kitchen re-done.
Cant wait to get the cabinet

good luck with the declutter projects!
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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Wednesday morning Hello.
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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Two more bags of trash out to the curb today
in addition to the normal household trash!
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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

That's aWeSoMe!
We are having the siding on our house replaced this week; so that's the project for the week. I have lots of extra events coming up on the calendar too: graduations, showers, fund-raisers etc. I am hoping I can get back to painting today, but I also need to maintain the household. We'll have to see...

My hubby cleared out no-longer-needed-items in the "scary" closet. I haven't reorganized and straightened it up. That's down the list for now.

Thanks for the updates!
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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Tuesday Hello to the DeClutter Group!
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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Mmmmm! I took on another job, the kids have an activity to go to every day, and I have two additional homeschooling sessions per day now. So, in short, I am going crazy and getting stressed!
...just trying to survive right now...
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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Slowing down due to my health issues.
My left heel is really really sore.

But I'm slowly getting thru more of the
paper piles since I can basically just
sit and sort.
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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

I am a reformed mess a holic. I was bad. I have A.D.D.,,and perhaps some other goodies lol..I dont know what you call it all..but my mind isn't orderly. No it isn't:)..but I get there..I just take a different route. One of the best books I ever read on 'organization' was, Bonnies Household Organizer. It saved my life. I found the book when I had child No 5 (of 7)The book is torn in half, dogeared,,but still here. The lessons have lasted for many years. Saved my sanity..became my bible..Now there are tons of helpful websites,'s something I have to work on..but life is now manageable..and when it gets 'out there'..I know how to reel it back in. What a deal! lovethriftin
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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Wow! With 7 kids I would be unorganized too!

That book sounds like something I need. I have put off clearing out stuff in my house that I never use. A lot of it belongs to other people who have chosen to store their junk in my way.

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How to ELIMINATE CLUTTER from your life forever!

Excellent Snipecatt!:)

We know a recycler which takes all our metal, water heaters, etc. We've really helped each other this year.:)
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