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wierd week

this week has been really crazy i haven had a sale all week and usually i atleast sell a little something. its kinda scary and i dont even know what i should do about it most of my prices are rock bottom and i only have one neutral feedback i dont understand whats the problem if i keep trying to run it and dont get any sales them my fees will just keep building up i dont want that. i was thinking about sending everything to auctions but then i might take a decent loss or have people that dont want to pay after the autions over thats why i moved to buy it now because most people pay up and ive never had problems selling anything till now. im trying to figure if im doing something wrong or i dont know im lost. any kind of motivational feedback to this would be a really big help right now i need it

Message 1 of 8
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Re: wierd week

Hi nice site I think with the wacky weather we had a bunch of power outages across the country. Just keep listing more stuff if u can .

If u got the promo for the free auctions do a few each day it gives the day an excitement since they will end at a certain time each day if possible. I do see u are correct about your pricing being rock bottem with postage and all fees ,supplies,cost of product .


When u do your actions add the buy it  now . You might surpise yourself  they might just grab it.



Keep up the good work! It will get back to the fun stuff again!



Message 2 of 8
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Re: wierd week

thanks so much this the first time i felt lost and confused i will try the auction with buy it now option in all my years of being here i never tried that i usually just do staight up buy it now sometimes with best offer or just straight auction this sounds like a good idea thank you

Message 3 of 8
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Re: wierd week

I sell about the same as you do on this ID. One or two items a day, vintage science fiction paperbacks, postcards, and dress patterns make up most of my stock.

So I hope you take this as constructive criticism.

Your titles are terrible.

Take the DVD Betty. Who are the stars? When was it issued? Any keywords you could add (swimming, murder, Betty Page)

Every DVD and most books since 1980 (many earlier) are in the eBay Catalogue. Using the catalogue not only gives you a prefilled title, and thorough information about the title, but gives you slightly higher placement in Search.

It also gives you a stock photo of the title.

I actually modify the stock titles and prefer to use my own pictures, but if you want to list fast on a widely available item, the catalogue is the way to go.

EBay draws your attention to the catalogue when you are listing, revising and selling similar.


And here's a thought about pricing.

Your prices are TOO LOW.

First because under $10, unless you are always selling multiples, which in my experience doesn't often happen in Books and DVDs, your gross is too low to make any profit. Under $5, it is too low to cover your costs.

Are you keeping a spreadsheet record of your costs? Include the cost of the item, cost of packaging materials, cost of eBay and PaYPal fees, and even of your time. (Here in Ontario, Canada, the minimum wage is 17 cents a minute.) Some of these will be included monthly (fees) or less often (poly envelopes, bubble wrap).

Either you have to charge more for your items or you have to find a product that gives you more profit.

Most of my books cost me 75 cents to $1.00 Canadian. I sell them at $10. US (which currently is about $11.00 CDN.) Because I ship from Canada, my shipping charge is higher than my US competitors.  And I am selling one or two titles a day, same as you are .

Further to this is the odd fact that many people percieve the higher priced item as more desireable and better quality. While this may be true most of the time, there a lot of products out there that are no better than lower priced products. The difference is often that  the seller is selling sizzle over steak. Descriptions, pictures, 'aspirational' advertsing, You want your buyer to think that she will be prettier, more popular and smarter if she buys your product.

It is very hard to do this with used DVDs of course, but keep an eye open for titles that rarely show up or which appeal to a specific group. In books my best sellers are anything by John Wyndham or Douglas Adams, Roberts' Rules of Order (always to the former Soviet Union) and Bescherelle,  a French grammar book.

Gonna stop for now, my boss just arrived and I have my Morning Report to give her.


Message 4 of 8
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Re: wierd week

Fourteen dockets to deal with today. Not bad for January.


More hopefully constructive criticism.


I agree with staggering your listing times. I understand that if you are not flexible yourself about when you list each day, you can set the starting time free on Turbo Lister. \

I don’t worry about the time of day, though. Most of my listings are Fixed Price./ No Best Offer/ Good Til Cancelled. So my buyers- and I sell internationally, about 85% US, 10% Canada, 5% overseas, so “It’s five o’clock somewhere.”- may be accessing my Store at any time night or day.

I do want something closing every day. Even with GTC listings this makes a bump in Search. Once in my listing, I have a bit of code to lead the buyer to my Store. And of course, eBay does have a ‘See other listings” link on every listing.


I notice you also sell internationally. Can we chat about the Global Shipping Program?

Lose it.

EBay suggests that if your item is under $50, that you not use the GSP. It will lose you sales and infuriate the customer who doesn’t notice it.

For example, your Ken doll (another bad title by the way) The $42.99 price is very reasonable. Shipping by International Priority to Canada makes for a $12.82 shipping charge. That goes to you to cover your costs and again is reasonable. Then the GSP adds another $13.42 to that for Canadian duty and sales taxes (15% here in Ontario) as well as a small ($5) service charge. Over $26 for shipping a $43 item.

Worse you have the GSP on items that will sell for well under $10.

You can ship more cheaply directly to Canada using First Class International and First Class International Parcel. The latter includes Delivery Confirmation and handles parcels up to four pounds in weight. Part of the problem for Canada, is that our border officers have apparently decided that it is stupid to spend $10 worth of an officer’s time to collect $1.00 in duty and tax. However, private companies like Pitney Bowes are required to assess and charge these.  Really we should be raising the duty free amount to $200 instead of the current $20, but we have a Conservative government, and part of their game plan is to make people detest government.


Oh, the title on the Ken doll implies that a Barbie Rapunzel is included.  Better revise the title. Especially with poeple buying on mobike devices. They may not see the whole listing and, almost by definition, they are likely to be less attentive.

Message 5 of 8
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Re: wierd week

thanks for the feedback i use the cataloge most the time for my listings but sometimes they dont show up dont knoe if im typing it right or what like for the mutiny dvd i put the movie the year and everything and it still wouldnt come up. the pricing is low on my items but its because i get movies games and such for pennys on a dollar. my store moto is everyday merchandise at paw swiping prices i try to live up to that getting a movie for 5 to 10 cent a pop i can offer a excelent price to the customer and still make a profit. if i get it for $5 and its worth $50 im probably gona sell it for $20-25. some people think this is stupid because its worth way more but its not about the money for me as long as a profit is being made im good and my customers are happy.everything is tested watched or ran through programs to make sure they work and the quality is good. i need to find out how to get rid of the global shipping thing i had no idea it was  on there i stopped international shipping months ago because it was to big of a headache and they charge to high for shipping which i dont think its worth it to the customer. thank all of you so much im soaking as much of this info in as i can might take me a bit but ill get the hang of it sooner or later.

Message 6 of 8
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Re: wierd week

I'm with 'some people" . Many sellers are unaware of how much their actual costs are.  And pricing too low hurts all sellers, making pricing a race to the bottom, something that is very prevalent on The River.

Nothing wrong with buying for $5 and selling for $25, but there is a problem with buying for $1 and selling for $2 or $3.

Also it seems like the low end buyers are the ones who are hardest to satisfy. Especially when shipping is higher than selling price.

US sellers don't need to do international selling ,which of course leaves the rest of the world open for those of us who do, it's not much of a step to move from shipping cross-border to shipping cross-ocean.

Thought of something else. If you have a scanner (or a printer/scanner) anything that is flat, like a book or a DVD looks better scanned than photographed.

I also sell stamps for collectors on another ID, and scanning allows me to zoom and give my customers a much better picture than any photo could.

Message 7 of 8
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Re: wierd week

 i put the movie the year and everything and it still wouldnt come up


Use the URL .That is usually the most efficient.

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