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Help & Ideas With Wording ... Please :-)

Hello All, :-) I need help with ideas, suggestions or creative ways with the wording and look of this, please. I have been trying to come up with a way to say: Hello & Welcome sana01 auctions at .01 with no reserve :-) I want to use this in basically all my auctions at the start of the tos or auctions. I'm not too happy with the wording and look of it. any ideas or suggestions? Here is an auction where I used it at, but I know it could be sharper, more fun, elegant or just plain better! You know, after a while of trying and trying, I just can't even see straight, let alone think of it anymore. That's why I came here to ask you guys for help. I am open to any suggestions, pointers and just plain help regarding the whole thing! LOL
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Re: Help & Ideas With Wording ... Please

Hello again, :-) I want to explain that my name is Sana and my ebay id is sana01. The zero one (01) is sort of symbolic to me on different levels and in different ways. It's not just the penny auctions. LOL I do want to, and plan on, starting all my auctions for a penny or $0.01. I had planned on doing all my auctions for a dollar and only recently realized that it goes with my ebay id of 01. (ebay raising listing fees helped too) See? there is good out of every bad! LOL To me it was the next logical step. if I'm gong in and list for a dollar, might as well go for a penny. I just thought It might help if I shared this with you. Love, Sana
Message 2 of 14
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Re: Help & Ideas With Wording ... Please

Hi Sana They look okay to me but you might want to try little color in the way of a template or use bold lettering instead of all plain font. What is SBXA? Check for typos recommend is spelled with two m's not one as you have it. I know you can spell that word! lol Lynn
Message 3 of 14
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Re: Help & Ideas With Wording ... Please

Hi Lynn, :-) Thank you for catching that one. LOL What has been happening is I think God is paying me back for all the times I criticized my daughter's misspellings. It used to get on my nerve and now I'm doing it. LOL SBXA is used in auctions for any of the people that frequent the soapbox board ([]) to help them find auctions by others. It's a way to make the search easy to help find auctions from each other. We could do the same here. We could add a unique word to the listings to help us find auctions to buy from each other. I just changed the hello and welcome on that listing. Would you tell me what you think of it? I went begging on the siggy thread and Polly made that for me. Another wonderful []er (that's a boxer) we call the people on the soapbox forum that, did the penny and the link. 🙂
Message 4 of 14
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Re: Help & Ideas With Wording ... Please

Oh I see. I saw it on the other thread and asked again! lol Two threads, same posts. Let's just go on the other one, okay? This is confusing. 🙂 I have ebsq on mine for artists.
Message 5 of 14
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Re: Help & Ideas With Wording ... Please

Hello Sana01, Good luck with your .01 cent auctions. It is a great way to create interest in your auctions! The first thing I noticed was your title. When searching for an Avon item buyers would use the word Avon so you should include it in your title. Ditto what toccoa said about the fonts and template Your pictures are great! If your buyers are like me they would want to know the year, you can post your item on the collectibles board and someone can identify it for you Come back for a checkup soon! Daniel Attending physician back from Disneyland
Message 6 of 14
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Re: Help & Ideas With Wording ... Please

Hi Daniel, :-) Thank you. I've listed more items tonight. So, you think putting the Avon in the title will help?
Message 7 of 14
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Re: Help & Ideas With Wording ... Please

Yes, I don't know your category, just any information that you can put in the title that a buyer would possibly search for is a good idea. Daniel Quality Collectibles
Message 8 of 14
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Re: Help & Ideas With Wording ... Please

Can you sell Avon or is that like Mary Kay? Mary Kay is a VeRO member and no one can sell her products here. I don't know about Avon. But if you can, I agree with Daniel's consult.. *putting on glasses, straightening collar* Avon belongs in titles. I believe you can sell Avon because I DID! lol I sold a statue I won long long ago to an Avon person who collected them. One of my first, what can I sell from around the house, deals.. Went for lotsa bucks too if I recall.
Message 9 of 14
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Re: Help & Ideas With Wording ... Please

Hi again, :-) I'm so proud of me. I finally listed more auctions! LOL I sure hope I can sell the avon! I'm not a rep. I bought some items from someone who used to work for avon years ago. The funny thing is they moved here about 10 years ago from the east coast. I also moved from the east coast not too long ago. They decided to finally sell some of their items and of course I happened to come along and couldn't resist buying them. LOL Life is really amazing! Any way, I keep trying to improve the listings and I hope I'm succeeding. I'm realizing that the ones that I put a bit of me into them, (You know where I do the listing as if I'm chatting) do better than the ones where I say nothing. I just worry that I may talk too much or that my sense of humor may get a way with me. I woke up the other day and I was like "did I really type that?" I revised it immediately. LOL It's not easy, you know. So, any of you notice any improvements? any other advice or more suggestions? I sure appreciate all the help you gave me. Thank you :-) Sana
Message 10 of 14
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Re: Help & Ideas With Wording ... Please

Hiya Sana Lookin' good! I took the liberty of taking some of your photos and fiddling with them in paint shop pro. They needed some tweaking, color enhancements, lightening, contrast. See what you think. You can do this with any paint program. I recommend them highly. bell - here you can see the acorns and the one for the clapper! Looks neat. butterfly wind chime. He's yellow! Incense burner with gold elephants Little Blossom doll, my daughter had one of these when I sold Avon, long ago.. :) little blossom box, a little clearer.
Message 11 of 14
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Re: Help & Ideas With Wording ... Please

Hi, :-) I can't see the pictures! :-( All I see are red xs Would you post them again? Please 🙂
Message 12 of 14
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Re: Help & Ideas With Wording ... Please

Enthusiast here's a link to the vero stuff ... i didn't see avon on it but i just glanced through it
Message 13 of 14
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Re: Help & Ideas With Wording ... Please

Oh no! I forgot and deleted them from my server right after I posted them. How duh can one person be? lol I'm feeling the cold in my brain.. frozen solid I think. Just lighten them and contrast and you should do okay. I'll do it again when I get some time. I have tons of things to do and my dh is off this weekend. I don't work when he's home.
Message 14 of 14
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