09-06-2022 02:13 PM
These are related to the marine environment as far as sailing or motorboating.
I have a couple of these, and I don't know what they are used for.
To pick up or lift
This edge grabs on half of item
This edge grabs other half of item
item is lifted with this
09-06-2022 02:32 PM
Strap to pick up a battery?
09-06-2022 03:33 PM
Very possible for the battery lift. But have to lift on the long side of the battery.
09-06-2022 03:36 PM
Do you live in an area where there are stores that sell marine or boating supplies?
If so, you could ask at one of those, or even if you have mariner friends.
09-06-2022 03:39 PM
Thats a great suggestion.