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Bo Weevel Cake

Living in Utopia
Bo Weevel Cake

After many years of changing sheets and emptying bed pans.
The little girl from number 13 took a transfer to the activity Dept,
where they "friend" the old.
Sure, there is bingo night, and music night, and a reality chart.
Well, part of the job was to bake cookies and cakes... for the old people.
The activity room had it's own kitchen.
Now the problem was, when cookies or cakes were out of the oven.
Staff would come like a hoard of locust, and the old people got crumbs.
This did not go over with The little girl.
One of the residents was turning 100, and the administrator demanded a cake.
Now the old lady wouldn't know if you put a piece of cake in front of her.
This day it was the girl's turn to make the cake, so she went to the kitchen and got the mix.
As she was pouring out the mix, there were Bo Weevels in the mix.
She looked around, and nobody was watching.
She mixed the Weevel cake, and put it in the oven.
She was just putting the frosting on when the staff showes up.
And the administrator ( more about him later ) was first in line.
They were all saying what a great cake it was, best ever.
The other activity girls went for a piece of cake...
The little girl just held them back and said, "you don't want that cake"

Message 1 of 7
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Re: Bo Weevel Cake

Haha - Shades of  "The Help". You wrote that on my b'day dave. Won't be having any cake, thanks! birthday

Message 2 of 7
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Re: Bo Weevel Cake

Awe Dave There you are.
Never check here much since you gave up the internet and don't post much
Glad to see ya, hope you are well & emma to Smiley Happy 

Message 3 of 7
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Re: Bo Weevel Cake

@poppyswag wrote:

Haha - Shades of  "The Help". You wrote that on my b'day dave. Won't be having any cake, thanks! birthday


Happy Belated Birthday
Hope it was a good one

Message 4 of 7
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Re: Bo Weevel Cake

Happy birthday!! :cake:
Message 5 of 7
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Re: Bo Weevel Cake

Ok dude you keep drifting in and out on us !!!
How's it going ? Do you have internet yet or still picking up free wifi ?
I try to pop by once & awhile to see if your around .
Looks like you had a run for a few days now vanished again .

Mind boggling. 
Ok stop by again some day soon 

Message 6 of 7
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Re: Bo Weevel Cake

Second this!

Message 7 of 7
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