09-27-2023 03:51 PM
I have always shipped my light items First Class. Ground Advantage is confusing to me. Seems like the shipping cost more. Not sure what to list for shipping on Ground Advantage...advice would be helpful.
09-27-2023 03:55 PM
First Class is gone and replaced by Ground Advantage, so you need to update any listings that still have First Class on them.
09-27-2023 03:55 PM
Ground advantage has simply replaced first class, that is all. You would ship your light items just as you would using first class, only from now on you will call it ground advantage. The pricing for low weight items is exactly the same as first class, rates were not changed for low weight items. I'm actually saving money on heavier items now by using ground advantage vs priority shipping, so I am loving this change. Best of luck to you....
09-27-2023 03:59 PM
The price for Ground Advantage is exactly the same as First Class packages just before the merger in July. Just list the same as always, with weight in ounces, but choose GA instead of FC.