12-27-2023 07:57 AM
I have been using UPS Ground a lot more in recent months for lower shipping cost of many of my 5-20 lb shipments, also because I can easily and quickly get to the terminal, where I can put packages on a conveyor "table" as late as 8:45pm and know that it always gets into verified transit within minutes and is processed through next terminal 2 hours away within less than 4 hours. I suspect that this consistent level of service is likely more exception than the rule. However, ...
Since I started using ebay Labels QR codes only for the last month, the first time I went to the termina's Customer Service counter l in normal operating hours, the agent apologized for not being able to use the ebay-provided QR code, explaining that I would need to go to the nearest location of The UPS Store to let them generate the printed adhesive label. He further elaborated that UPS management will not "compete" with their franchises.
I drove 3 miles to nearest The UPS Store, got my QR code read and label printed, and was lucky enough for the UPS truck to be there, leaving in 13 minutes for trip to same terminal.
I want to say, "Tell me it isn't so." But, I suspect it's a nother situation where "truth is stranger than fiction." This UPS policy is not going to help ebay sellers or their buyers who want a UPS shipment to get into actual transit same day when, as in my location, package tendering with QR code to The UPS Store needs to be by 5:50pm to be on UPS truck departing at 6:00pm, going to same terminal where Customer Service counter is open until 6:30pm. Yes, I know I can go back to printing and securing my own labels and drive to the terminal to tender the package at a later hour, but I would not presume this is a viable option for most sellers.
Can any other seller corroborate same recent exerience of being unable to use a UPS QR code at a UPS terminal, and being sent to The UPS Store for successful scan and tendering of package? Can anybody explain how this policy helps UPS bottom line and/or customer loyalty and goodwill?
01-23-2024 01:26 PM
Hi @techvaluesatoz . Go to UPS.com and look up the locations near you. Find that UPS hub. Check to see if "print mobile labels" is noted under list of services for that hub.
Also check to see if they have a self-service kiosk at the hub. I've never done a UPS QR code, but if it's anything like USPS, you can scan it at the SSK and print the label.