06-28-2023 11:50 AM
So after Jult 9th I have to go to the Post Office to mail a 6 ounce sewing pattern, or pay 9 dollars with Ebay labels?
06-28-2023 12:31 PM
@judy94z6 wrote:So after Jult 9th I have to go to the Post Office to mail a 6 ounce sewing pattern, or pay 9 dollars with Ebay labels?
Where in the world are you getting that from? For someone who has been here over 20 years that is an astoundingly inaccurate statement.
A 6 ounce package will still be about the old first class rates on eBay at around $4-5 depending the zone.
06-28-2023 12:41 PM
Your question is baffling.
Starting on July 9, the service that is currently known as First Class package will become part of a newly-named service, "Ground Advantage", which will also absorb the services currently known as Parcel Select Ground and Retail Ground. This service will be available through eBay postage labels. The prices will be the same for each combination of Zone and weight up to 15.99 ounces.
Whatever you're currently paying for your 6-ounce packages, that price will stay the same and you can purchase the label through eBay. Only the name is changing.
06-28-2023 03:41 PM
"So after Jult 9th I have to go to the Post Office to mail a 6 ounce sewing pattern, or pay 9 dollars with Ebay labels?"
Where does it say that an eBay shipping label will cost $9.00, after July 9?
Wouldn't our buyers pay the postage costs after July 9th, the same as they do now?
I would really like to know because I also have a few older sewing patterns and embroidery kits/patterns I would like to try to sell. I will need to add a few extra bucks to their prices if postage is going to cost me $9.00.