02-18-2025 05:35 PM
I am having a dilemma here with shipping out items with USPS with the risk of these packages getting stuck somewhere along the way. I have to decide whether to switch my whole store to FEDEX to avoid screaming customers with INR’s. Tell me if you all are having any major problems and where this is happening.
02-18-2025 05:51 PM
What are the average dimensions and weight of what you are shipping?
02-18-2025 05:55 PM
Lake I can get FEDEX 2 DAY flat rate for 12.95 3 bucks more than Priority Mail.
02-18-2025 05:57 PM
Switch to Fedex, you could be screaming with very high bills. Be sure you weigh and measure with extreme care. A box out of square or a bulge can kick it into the next rate and cost BIG money in back billing. Some sellers have been billed over a thousand dollars by them. That's a scream.
02-18-2025 06:28 PM
I was going to perhaps suggest something but you would need to answer my question.
02-18-2025 06:47 PM
Indianapolis for one, consolidation of multiple facilities into a brand new facility is causing many delays.
Personally I'm not seeing delays of any consequence except for some weather related delays.
02-18-2025 09:29 PM
OKLAHOMA CITY - literally EVERY SINGLE Ground Advantage package arrives late and that is no exaggeration.. it takes over a week to get through and out of the OKC Distribution Center for those packages lucky enough to make it out... about 20% of them simply never make it out and the scanning stops; I have 16 lost package cases open and 5 claims processing all from 2025 sales, and I only sell about an item per day on average. When my packages DO get out of OKC, they've gotten stuck in Indianapolis, Houston and Louisville.
02-18-2025 11:22 PM
@jas31l wrote:OKLAHOMA CITY - literally EVERY SINGLE Ground Advantage package arrives late and that is no exaggeration.. it takes over a week to get through and out of the OKC Distribution Center for those packages lucky enough to make it out... about 20% of them simply never make it out and the scanning stops; I have 16 lost package cases open and 5 claims processing all from 2025 sales, and I only sell about an item per day on average. When my packages DO get out of OKC, they've gotten stuck in Indianapolis, Houston and Louisville.
Thanks for the info. I knew Louisville, Houston and Indy were problem areas, and now also Oklahoma City.
02-18-2025 11:23 PM
Yeah I know. I sell small items so the package never gets big enough for overages and FEDEX has the Flat small box.
02-18-2025 11:24 PM
Thank you.
02-19-2025 12:21 AM - edited 02-19-2025 12:22 AM
I've seen people say Indianapolis is bad, but I've had two packages breeze right through there in under 24 hours in the past two weeks so I'm not so sure about that one. (Both Ground Advantage, one destined for Indianapolis and the other for Louisville)
02-19-2025 05:07 AM
Here in NJ I was told our local PO will no longer be handling mail. Counter service only and you can still drop pkgs here. I was having my pkgs picked up at my house - anything that did not fit in my mailbox I would arrange for them to pick it up next day. I made 2 sales on 2/12/25 that were too big for the mailbox so I requested pick up. They were not picked up so the next day 2/13 I went to the PO and they were scanned in at the counter. Oddly, when looking at the tracking info it says 2/14 not 2/13 and there is nothing updated since, so I am wondering where the heck those packages are now. As others have said there is a huge consolidation happening all over the country and now mail to and from my town is at a facility 1/2 hours away.
Next sales were one on 2/15, 2 two on 2/16 and one on 2/18 (sold before mail pick up that day). Over the holiday weekend so could not be sent till 2/18. Each one small enough to fit in the mailbox and not one of them have been scanned in but when you click on tracking number it gives you arrival dates of 5 days. So now I am wondering if I should contact the buyers to advise them what is happening? I don't want to get dinged for the PO screw up but now since there is nothing in the tracking on these last 4 packages, it looks like I haven't even sent them yet. I would not blame buyers for being angry.
02-19-2025 06:52 AM
I have hears about major delays, but have only had minor ones. From the timing, it seems to be weather related.
02-20-2025 03:01 AM
The plan that Dejoy started in consolidating these facilities all over the country is still in effect, and I would not be surprised if many other facilities will be effected in the coming months. So everybody keep a watch on the news about this and be prepared to switch shipping services if this continues to be an ongoing problem. I for one am not going to use USPS for a time being. If you are shipping very very expensive items i would not recommend them now, or providing fast shipping because Priority Mail may not be fast if those packages hit one of those facilities.
02-20-2025 03:33 AM
@yuzuha wrote:I've seen people say Indianapolis is bad, but I've had two packages breeze right through there in under 24 hours in the past two weeks so I'm not so sure about that one. (Both Ground Advantage, one destined for Indianapolis and the other for Louisville)
It’s probably hit or miss still with these facilities. I see some of mine being delayed