02-03-2025 08:20 AM
I printed a label from EBay ( as I always do) , dropped off the package to USPS but notice that it has not been updated to indicate received or in route. What should I do?
02-03-2025 08:25 AM
So you just dropped it off?
You will need to hope it gets a scan.
I always get a scan and receipt for package sent.
That is your only way to prove you shipped it.
02-03-2025 08:33 AM
Yes- have always just used the self drop off box to avoid standing in lines.
02-03-2025 09:04 AM
You can start a trace on line at USPS.com. You have to wait a set time so it might be a bit too soon. The site will let you know when you can. The insurance also does not apply until it's scanned. I have had a number of packages only get scanned at delivery and some never. So, not all hope is lost yet.
02-03-2025 09:38 AM
Hi, The only way to be 100% positive that you get your - ever important - acceptance scan is to physically take your item to your Local Post Office - Stand on line & ask the clerk for a receipt. Scanning will generate your receipt while giving you a hard copy of your tracking number. By simply leaving your package on the counter you taking a chance of not getting your scan. Often times packages are picked up for the next leg of their journey before the clerks have time to do the acceptance scan. Good News though - Your item will likely get scanned at its next stop. Good Luck! (J.B. From N.J.)
02-03-2025 11:45 AM
At the very least, get an origin scan, if not a receipt as well.
In this day and age of hit and miss tracking, once you get the origin scan, the responsibility lies with the post office, at least up to the amount of the insured value.
02-03-2025 12:17 PM
If it never gets a scan, it does not exist in the eyes of USPS.
Many packages do not get a scan until they reach the first sorting center, which can take several days for some destinations. There are many weather related delays which can be having effects on when they reach the first sorting center,
If you are dropping your packages in a drop box, you should resist the temptation to babysit your shipments. The added worries are not worth the time avoided waiting in line.