01-31-2023 05:23 PM
I'm a seller and for the first time I've had a USPS first class package seemingly lost with USPS. I had to file a lost package and have requested if found to return package to the Sender (me), since I have fully refunded the Buyer. But now I have had a few packages that have not been updated from pick up date and on one expected delivery time has passed. I called and was told that packages were sent to processing center. I think this is new. I've been selling offering free shipping, however, I feel I may have to ship priority. Since this cost more, It would mean I would need to raise my prices. I'm frustrated, any solutions?
01-31-2023 05:29 PM - edited 01-31-2023 05:31 PM
No solution, I can only commiserate. I also have packages that say “ carrier has the package” since Jan 28th. Many of my packages will finally get another scan or 2 just before delivery. I ship Media Mail, First Class and Priority it’s all the same. I shipped Priority package was to be 2 day delivery, nope 6 days later my buyer received it.
01-31-2023 05:36 PM
You will make yourself crazy watching the tracking every day. I have been here since 1998 with 2 accounts. I do not track the items. I have not had a lost package in years. The 2 that got lost showed "delivered." I looked when the buyers opened cases. I am blessed with a fantastic post office. They scan most of the packages. Whatever they miss, gets scanned at the next stop.
The only thing that I can recommend is to always make sure that the labels are secured well and that the printer ink is dark. Don't bother shipping if the ink is faint and the box will not scan. Continue shipping and relax. Ship priority on the more expensive items or more fragile items and of course, do not forget to roll the price into the shipping if you do free shipping.
01-31-2023 05:46 PM
You are shipping from the middle of the country, not a bad place, for sure. Probably gets to a Tulsa distribution center same day you ship.
Where are you seeing the holdups?
If you decide to upgrade to USPS Priority, also consider pricing UPS for the expensive stuff if that is in your wheelhouse.
01-31-2023 05:47 PM
Packages go to a main hub which could be in the other direction it is suppose to go. Nothing new about this. With the bad winter weather we cannot expect anything to be on time...no matter the shipping time. As long as it has tracking I wouldn't worry. And just let buyer know it's on the way. I never had anything lost with tracking from the USPS. It's possible there were some new changes to where packages are now going where you live. You may want to change your mailing time...especially during the winter. Although I mail my stuff out the next day I do not state that for my mailing time.
02-06-2023 06:50 AM
I've lost 2 First class packages in just the last month starting Jan 12th, both of them were connected to my local post office. The first one out of my local post office stated in transit but never made it to Tulsa distribution. Called to make search. USPS closed case was not found. I then opened loss mail case and refunded the buyer. It remains lost. The second package remained in Post Office picked up status and was never processed. and when I opened case it could not be found or tracked and I refunded my buyer after they opened case. Both these packages I have had them recorded as lost and to return to sender (me), me if found. In the whole time that I've been selling, I've never had this happen before. I hope I get them back. I don't think I will. I think that they were stolen within my local post office and I am not compensated since they were first class.
I either have to upgrade my shipping to Priority, which makes my items more expensive or I will need to quit selling. It's to great of a loss to lose anymore.
02-06-2023 07:12 AM
I've now lost 2 packages and refunded two buyers. I am not compensated since they were First Class. They both are connected to my local post office. The first package never made it to Tulsa distribution and the second package never left the post office. I opened search cases on both of these packages. After several days, the packages were not found neither was there any tracking found on them beyond my local Post Office. I've requested, if found to return to sender. Honestly, I don't think that they will be found.... However, I am forced to upgrade to expensive Priority or quit selling. Priority is over twice the cost and I am forced to raise my price. I may not be able to compete with other sellers and have to quit selling. I can't afford the loss.
02-06-2023 09:42 AM
Not sure if these losses are weather related... I fell USPS should be refunding for lost packages anyway, since hey are entrusted with delivering them! It USED to be if they lost something, they would reimburse, but not any longer.
As far as tracking, I've noticed that in the last few weeks scans are scanty. It used to be that you wold get scans all along the way. My local postmaster says things are getting "streamlined" so that means less customer friendly!
02-06-2023 03:37 PM
The two items I lost were not weather related. They were lost within my local post office. As far as tracking with other packages, they often will mend up in limbo between facilities. It seems as, if I don't call to research it and get it going it doesn't move. Therefore, more chance for it to get buried or lost in the system. I feel I am forced to start using priority ship. That way at least I may get compensated for my loss. However, it makes me less able to compete with others. I maybe will have to quit selling if we can't trust the system to deliver our packages. so frustrating.
02-06-2023 06:36 PM
Being on ebay for almost 27 years I have watched and been the victim of this tracking number mess as both ebay and USPS twists and turns with a less than desirable system. One of the 1st and largest issues is getting the carrier to (as per USPS policy dictates, or used to) scan the package upon possession, that means if your carrier picks up your items at the door, they are to scan them at that time.....I cannot begin to tell you the excuses I have heard, a few examples. The 1st one is laughable, but one carrier stated they were not permitted to "Back up into a driveway"...another stated that they will not scan as the route is a timed route and if they are late they get written up. I have had carriers actually step over the USPS container for outgoing mail and only deliver incoming mail and never to be seen again, leaving the out going mail setting there! (I also have issue with ebay over this, as if your carrier fails to scan items, YOUR account gets dinged by ebay for the carrier not doing his job)check under your feedback dashboard you will see something like this, so while it is not your fault you pay the price. Again I have called USPS over the scanning issues with ebay as well as ebays "EST DELIVERY DATES" and the postmaster laughed and said well then tell ebay to start delivering the items themselves( Amazon took the hint and does so)... Again many of these issues are created by ebay...where ebay decides a policy they want, then they contract with other businesses like paypal, usps and others they depend on, yet those businesses policies contradict ebays...another case of not ironing out the fine details and just tossing it against the wall and hope it sticks! I could write a book...
Here's a breakdown of transactions in which tracking wasn't uploaded on time or didn't receive a carrier scan.Reason Quantity %Not uploaded at allUploaded lateUploaded on time but no carrier scanTotal
2 | 0.15% |
3 | 0.23% |
2 | 0.16% |
7 | 0.54% |
02-07-2023 09:03 AM
Yes, I am aware of USPS scanning issues. I have had packages before, seemingly lost, but found and delivered. However, they seemed to remain in limbo until only AFTER I opened USPS case. However, all my efforts regarding this issue has turned up nothing.
I have 2 items seemingly lost and I have refunded these 2 buyers at a loss for me. The first one was picked up 01/12th/2023 scanned and processed there were other packages this day with no issues. The second lost package was picked up the 25th of Jan 2023. In which the Pick up date was recorded. But, it was not processed and stands in the same pick-up status today. Both packages have been reported and no word yet. I have requested to USPS to return packages to me, since I have already refunded my buyers.
So, My questions to you: Have you ever actually lost packages ? If so, Were your fully refunded(as they should be)? And if you did lose packages (USPS first class), did those lost packages turn up? And if so, were they returned to you, as requested?
So, just want to know what to expect. It seems you may be the one to ask with your many years of experience.
Thank you!