09-18-2024 01:21 PM
I am currently using USPS for my listings, as they offer home pickup for free when mail is delivered.
09-18-2024 01:29 PM
there is a charge for pick up by UPS
Same day $12, future day $7
09-18-2024 01:54 PM
I ship a lot of items via USPS Priority Mail (Flat rate small box, Flat rate bubble envelope and Medium Flat rate boxes) but the items i ship are worth more than $100 (typically) so i don't mind charging $10-$15 for shipping my items. (or including it in the price) Larger items (guitars/amps) i would use UPS.
If you do set up the USPS Free pickup option, (usually made 1 day in advance) make sure your courier scans your packages when they pick up your goods. Many may not and it can take a day for it to start tracking.
09-18-2024 03:03 PM
I have never had any problems with USPS tracking.
After reading many threads about UPS surcharges showing up long after a package was shipped, I'd be afraid to use UPS labels.
09-18-2024 03:15 PM
You are a new seller. How experienced are you in proper packaging for shipment.
Shipping via UPS is far less tolerant of inadequate seller packaging than USPS.
Consider it when you have mastered professional packaging skills.
09-18-2024 03:44 PM
UPS is notorious for slapping additional costs onto your account after the fact. I would never ship UPS or FedEx for that reason. (I don't have any stores near me anyway)
09-18-2024 04:24 PM
Been shipping UPS 5 days most every week for 6+ years, never had an upcharge. Shipping from 1 lb. to 60 lbs.
Lot lately 78" x 12" x 10. No upcharges.
Most of what I read are FedX upcharges. I don't use them.