10-24-2017 08:34 AM
Once again, I'm in danger of losing my Top Rated status because of my local USPS facility failing to do their job and not scan my packages on time after I drop them off in the Drop Box in their inside lobby. I have contacted the USPS supervisor for the facility multiple times, but he doesn't seem to care. I addressed this with eBay before that this is going to be a potential problem for other sellers that use the USPS Drop Boxes. With eBay watching to make sure my packages get scanned within 24 hours, I'm at the mercy of the US Postal Service. I make sure I get my packages out within 24 hours, every single weekday. I average 10 packages per day that I drop off. I always drop them off at least 45 minutes before the cut off time, which at my USPS facility is 5:30pm. I'm usually there at 4:45pm, but no later that 5:00pm. Yesterday, (Monday, Oct. 24th) I dropped off 14 packages at 4:55pm. I checked the status of them at 10pm Monday night and just now at 10:30am Tuesday morning and they still haven't been scanned. Out of convenience, I don't want to sit in line for a half hour each day to make sure a Postal employee scans each single package. I have actually stood in line to do this before and they say the next time to just put them in the drop box since it holds up the line. I also have tried to have them pick up my packages, but they get to my house too early at 11:00am and I can't get everything ready by then, so I still end up going to the Post Office. I'm at a loss of what to do and at the mercy of the Post Office. I get that package volume on Mondays is usually tripled for them, but that shouldn't be an excuse. They still need to scan every package that gets dropped off before the cutoff time. eBay needs to address this problem. eBay doesn't seem to care, the Post Office doesn't seem to care. Anyone else having this same problem?
10-24-2017 09:15 AM
10-24-2017 09:21 AM
10-24-2017 09:23 AM
I have the same problem with my Post Office. When I complained they tried to tell me it doesn't happen, and when I wait in line to get them scanned, they tell me to use the drop box. I keep telling them I will use the drop box when they can guarantee that they will scan them on time. I finally just gave up and changed my ship time to 2 days, but even at that I have to stand in line a lot. And you are right, the the post Office doesn't care and neither does eBay.........it is really discouraging!
10-24-2017 10:02 AM
I, myself will not drop packages in the drop box or as in my PO, leave them on the counter. I have trust issues LOL! Back in my heyday of selling here, I would have about as many packages to mail, but I've always waited on line which was during my lunch hour and this was before the scans were required/crucial as with most online selling platforms.
Now I pack, and walk them to the PO and wait online for the Clerks to scan the packages. They were reluctant in the beginning but I insisted. I feel as those it gives the buyer confidence knowing that their item(s) is on its way. I do not sell enough here to qualify for TRS, but if I were to qualify, then I would wait on line. I also time my arrival. If I can get to mine before 5, the lines are shorter or after 5:15 because the PO I use is open till 7. Not saying that you have to wait online OP, but it may help.
10-24-2017 02:06 PM
You really should consider changing your handling time. It rarely makes a difference - buyers usually don't pay attention to it. Yes, I know you get exta perks as a power seller for 1 day shipping, but it just isn't worth it. I'm a power seller and I never list anything at less than 10 days handling time, mostly for this reason. I usually have it out by the next day but if I don't - no big deal. If a buyer notices the 10 day handling time and then gets it much sooner, they are thrilled and leave great feedback. If not, occassionally they complain when they do take longer but it doesn't make any difference to me, they can't leave negative feedback if I shipped it on time...
I've tried lowering the shipping time to please ebay and it does nothing for sales. I also increase it to 30 days when I go out of town and rarely do buyers notice.
10-24-2017 02:14 PM
Hi. I have to use the drop box occasionally. Only one time has it been an issue and the package wasn’t scanned in my town or North Houston where they all go before leaving the area. It wasn’t scanned until it hit Dallas. I was terrified it had gotten missed. I stand in line to get them scanned but rarely have more then two. Unless of course it is after hours. Then i use the drop box with the assumption (which isn’t correct) that they will scan those first. They dont. Good luck
10-24-2017 02:34 PM
A scan within 24 hours is NOT required. Uploading the tracking is. The scanning requirement is that it receive a scan sometime within the expected delivery time.
10-24-2017 02:35 PM
@pargran3 wrote:A scan within 24 hours is NOT required. Uploading the tracking is. The scanning requirement is that it receive a scan sometime within the expected delivery time.
If your listings say 1 business day handling time, then yes, of course a scan is required within 24 hours.
10-24-2017 03:25 PM
zmoz is correct. I have 1 day handling time to be eligable for Top Rated status and eBay watches to make sure the package/s are scanned within a 24 hour period. eBay has a Late Shipment Rate in the DSR's that they require to be less than 3%.
10-24-2017 03:44 PM
The standards that eBay sets for "late shipments" are continually confusing. My understanding is, If you receive an order (for example) on Monday, and you drop it off in the USPS drop box AFTER 12:30 PM PST on the following business day, your shipments will be considered LATE by eBay.
I used to use the USPS drop box and the drop-off table until last year, when I realized that both those areas are very low priority, and will not be given counter attention until other profitable areas have been completed. (There is NO profit in scanning packages, for which postage has previously been paid.) And the USPS drop box is usually dead last -- if it gets attended to at all before closing.
Solution? Stand in line with all the paying customers, and get those packages scanned before 12:30 PM PST -- that's how I keep my score at 100% on time.
10-24-2017 03:49 PM
@bosstar99 wrote:I have 1 day handling time to be eligable for Top Rated status and eBay watches to make sure the package/s are scanned within a 24 hour period.
You don't need to have 1 day handling time to be top rated. I am a top rated power seller and everything I sell is 10 days or more handling time. You need to set it at 1 day AND offer 30 days for returns to get "top rated plus", which in my opinion is totally not worth it.
Offering returns at all is usually unwise. People think you have the capacity of Amazon or Walmart to just throw stuff away.
10-24-2017 04:07 PM
That is very unfortunate, but seems like the only solution to keep my Top Rated status. This is a total waste of my time to be sitting in line for 10-30 minutes on a normal day. The holiday season is worse and I've seen lines out the door. With a town population of 64,000 people, you would think the Post Office would have more clerks than just 2 for their 3 workstations. Sometimes just 1 clerk. 😞
10-24-2017 04:10 PM
That is what I have, (1 Day Handling and 30 Day Returns). Yes, it sure doesn't seem to be worth the headache.
10-24-2017 04:41 PM
@bosstar99 wrote:That is what I have, (1 Day Handling and 30 Day Returns). Yes, it sure doesn't seem to be worth the headache.
How so? They give you a slight discount on fees and an extra icon next to your name that nobody notices. Surely the savings on fees is eaten up by the abuses on returns and the time/hassle/stress involved with getting a scan in less than 24 hours...
I can just up my price to make up for the fees, it doesn't change how much I sell. And I never lose any money on any returns, because I don't offer them. I'm still "top rated", I doubt many buyers know the difference between top rated and top rated plus, or even bother to notice.